Just When You Think You've Got This All Under Control


Staff member
I've been flying the CalClassic C-46 Commando a lot lately in my main FS9 install. I went to change paint schemes and noticed that out of over 50 of them, 4 paints weren't showing up on the preview window (naturally 3 of them were on the short list to fly next). I was getting the bare 3d model, but no textures. So, I spent the next two days digging around in the aircraft.cfg and can't find a thing wrong in the entries for the 4. I reinstalled the paints, took the fltsim section from one that was working and just changed entries to match and no go. So, just for the heck of it, I copied the entire C-46 folder over to my Golden Wings install. All 4 work like a charm. Copied that back over to the main FS9 install and still don't work.

I've never seen anything like this. Works in one install and won't work in the other...

I have been experiencing similar oddities with aircraft lately, including scenery object glitches in CFS2.

I know WIN7 updated within the last week and wonder if one of their update files is causing issues with FS9 and CFS2????

I had a similar issue with a plane in FS9 that worked just fine for the longest time. Then out of the blue after flying it for about 90 minutes and landing without incident at Brisbane intl', upon exiting the flight it dumped FS9. After a second flight it locked up the sim after exiting the flight and has never worked since. I shelved it, all other planes in the sim were fine, as were my scenery add-ons. Just that one plane... :pop4: Hmmm.

I'm still running XP 64 (it aint broke, so I see no need to fix it)


I am getting ready to re-install XP on my 2nd HD that I only use for flight sims.

I think I will reinstall it without networking so I don't ever have to worry about viruses and other malware.

I can dual boot into WIN7X64 for my online stuff and boot into XP for gaming offline.
I have Windows XP Pro 32-bit on my Dell GX260 that I bought about 7-8 years ago on EBay. I updated the OS a few times then stopped the practice. That machine NEVER connects to the Internet.

All FSX software is downloaded on another machine, checked for malware and viruses and then transferred to a USB stick where I read it into my FSX computer.

I have yet to have any problems such as you describe.
Missing Addon Aircraft to Existing Installation

I had a similar problem with my A26_SOH aircraft installation which has been running perfectly for over a year on my new computer with Win8.1. I added a new water tanker texture and it would not show up. After many hours of experimentation I discovered that if you right click on the aircraft.cfg file and open properties and the security tab, you can edit the security to full control for the application packages and the user. After editing the security tab, the aircraft appeared. I suspect Microsoft changed something and is preparing to update to Win X. Hope this helps.
tbear, thanks for the suggestion, but XP doesn't have that function (I just looked to see if it does)
I know CFS 2 has several hard-coded limits, so maybe FS9 has similar hard code limits.
Perhaps you just have too many aircraft for the sim to display them all? The limit for a lot of CFS2 function is 100, & you say you have 50 just for this one aircraft:dizzy:
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I've had over 100 paints for the default DC-3 installed at one time. About the same for Milton's Beech 18. If there's a limit I haven't found it.
Willy, change the C-64's folder's name by putting an underscore at the front, and then see if those missing four paints start working. If they do, you have a title line conflict with another aircraft folder. The Sim reads aircraft.cfg's in order, and if there's two titles that match, it keeps the first and ignores the rest.
I've had over 100 paints for the default DC-3 installed at one time. About the same for Milton's Beech 18. If there's a limit I haven't found it.

Yeah, I agree.

I must have over 200 aircraft in FS9 and FSX and never ran into this problem until my last Windows update. It took out a skin on an Embraer 120 to solid grey. (At least that is the only one I have found thus far.)

I am going to see if WIN7 has the action tbear suggested.
Willy, change the C-64's folder's name by putting an underscore at the front, and then see if those missing four paints start working. If they do, you have a title line conflict with another aircraft folder. The Sim reads aircraft.cfg's in order, and if there's two titles that match, it keeps the first and ignores the rest.

Just got around to going back to this problem and I looked at every C-46 folder I could find, but no titles matched. Just in case I missed something, I went into the flyable one's aircraft.cfg and made some minor changes to the four's titles. That got one to show, but still no go on the other 3. I went to the usual places to get the original downloads and found 2 of them. Going to try reinstalling them next to see what happens.
Okay, got 'em sorted out. Not sure exactly what fixed it (I kind of shotgunned the fixes at it), but all is copacetic in the C-46 world now.

I changed the titles a bit again and fixed a couple of other things that I caught wrong with them. Two of 'em were self inflicted and things that I know better than to do.