Justflight Spitfire skins?

Don't know if you're aware of this but if you go to the justflight website and look in the support section there are updated skins that are way better than the cartoony lookin' ones that came with the original package plus there's a free spitfire floatplane prototype.
In CFS3 the Justflight and Aeroplane Heaven Spitfire MkIs are the same - I've done a load for the AH MkI, which has the same map as the CFS3 Freeware MkV, IX and XIV, differences of type notwithstanding. If you can use them, feel free. They're in the CFS3 archives.
The FS9 AH/JF Spitfire has a different (very complex) texture lay-out. The fuselage and wing on a separate, therefore your CFS3 textures don't fit the FS9 Justflight Spit. Its a shame are your textures are definitely very nice!
