JXT Simulations freeware Bell 505.

It's a nice looking model, but I can't control it either. Hopefully this will be fixed. The Taog Huey and the inibuilds Scout show that it is possible to create a nice flight model in MSFS. Maybe I'll use the Cowan B206 flight model with the 505 for the time being.


I tried just a while ago and I see what you both were talking about. It immediately went to a full right rotation and quickly became a real handful. With my thrustmaster I used full opposite "rudder"?, that got it back under control and I flew it like that for about 5 minutes then slowly released the pressure on the twist grip and it flew normally (kinda) for the remainder of the 15 minutes or so that I flew it.

One thing I did that probably exacerbated the situation was too much throttle. . .when I saw that and reduced it the Heli seemed to become a bit more tame.
I was able to control it, sort of, to fly a little ways, but a smooth descent and landing? Er, not so much. NC