Kalinin K7-Something for Piglet's talents

Paul Clawson (PutPut) did the 1933 K-7 Bomber for FS2002. It was originally made for FS8 and/or CFS1, so the prop disks do not show up and the glass is very opaque in FS9. He is currently working on an update to it for FSX. (Excuse the slightly more modern aircraft in the picture; I just got my AI Traffic to work at the time; and was wondering what the K-7 would look like next to something I was familiar with.)

True to the original, the front wheels do not turn; had to go to slew mode to turn it on the ground. He included the sounds from a Me-110 to match the unsycronised sounds he thought the seven engines would make; it gets tiresome to listen to after a while.

It handles in the air the way you would expect something like this to handle. I like it because I have made the longest flight with this "slow coach" than anything else I have tried to date; something inside my stock FS9 computer was locking up if there is too much disk activity for long periods of time. (It's a little better behaved now.)

Now, this plane ought to be huge enough and weird enough. But noooooo, some fantasy artists have to go even further. :wiggle:


(There are good details pictures of the real K-7 near the end of the page.)

Kalinin K-7

We would like to use artwork of the Kalinin K-7 in Air & Space/Smithsonian. Could someone help us to get in touch with Paul Clawson for a high-resolution version of these renderings? Is there any other artist here who has similar high-res artwork of this airplane? Thank you.
- Caroline Sheen, 202-633-6048, csheen@si.edu
We would like to use artwork of the Kalinin K-7 in Air & Space/Smithsonian. Could someone help us to get in touch with Paul Clawson for a high-resolution version of these renderings? Is there any other artist here who has similar high-res artwork of this airplane? Thank you.
- Caroline Sheen, 202-633-6048, csheen@si.edu

If you send a private message to member called PutPut, that is Paul.
He normaly hangs around on the FSX forums these days.
