Kamikaze Option


Charter Member
Who was experimenting with getting a Kamikazi option? I can't find the thread.

I was in my username/appdata/local/temp folder ferreting about (as one does) to find the error reporting. In Win 8.1, the CFS3 and addons error reports are .dmp files which can be read with notepad.

Anyway, the .dmp files contain all sorts of interesting things like a list of all the AV tactics which (presumably) reside in the exe.

But one thing caught my eye in a list of what appear to be Waypoint types:

Waypoint Types


....this lead me to wonder if one could assign a "kamikaze" waypoint type to an aircraft under the "route" section of a mission, and if it had an anti_ship missiontype or directive, perhaps at that waypoint the aircraft will dive into the nearest ship it can find?

Then again, there are a number of features in the .dmp file which may not have been fully implemented in the exe. For example for weapons, there is an "air 2 ground" missile option to go with level bombing, rockets, etc.

So maybe the kamikaze option, although written in part, has not been fully implemented in the exe?
I am planning a set for this once I finish the ETO team work in the next month or so,
a great addition to our beloved sim..
Much rejoicing!!
:applause: :applause: :applause:
@ Rob: thanks for the reminder, early senility has set in :)

I hope someone has a try with the kamikaze Waypoint type, but I don't think the chances are good.

What is this list??!! I'll have to try a foew of them, especially the "missile2ship" one.

Hi Led Zep, as I said it is part of the CFS3 crash report, generated every time CFS3 or one of it's addons crashes. It comes out in a .dmp file, found in the AppData pathway I mention in the first post.

Anyway the Kamikaze and missile2ship ones are highly speculative, one of the many things about CFS3 that were never finished, or disabled (like troopers, guided missiles, helicopters, etc etc).

How would you try the missile2ship option? Would you use one of those fancy missiles in the He-111 loadouts, for example?

Yes, using a He177 or Do217 loaded with HS293 and replacing the "allweapons" waypoint in the mission file by the "missile2ship". 99% chances it will be a failure but there is nothing to lose by trying! :jump:
Yes, using a He177 or Do217 loaded with HS293 and replacing the "allweapons" waypoint in the mission file by the "missile2ship". 99% chances it will be a failure but there is nothing to lose by trying! :jump:

Too right! No knowing whether one of them is a viable option. :applause:
In the gun .xdp there is a command :TargetCategory="tracked,ships",
What does the "tracked" stand for? In other cases you will have vehicles and facitities instead?
Who was experimenting with getting a Kamikazi option? I can't find the thread.

I was in my username/appdata/local/temp folder ferreting about (as one does) to find the error reporting. In Win 8.1, the CFS3 and addons error reports are .dmp files which can be read with notepad.
I am using Win 7 using this pathway I can't find the file you are talking about. Is it the same for Win 7?
In the gun .xdp there is a command :TargetCategory="tracked,ships",
What does the "tracked" stand for? In other cases you will have vehicles and facitities instead? .....I am using Win 7 using this pathway I can't find the file you are talking about. Is it the same for Win 7?

Hi gosd, "tracked" is a subset of "vehicles", in the same way that "fighters" is a subset of "aircraft". I tend to change target category from "tracked" to "vehicles".

I don't know the pathway for Win 7. However I do know that the file format has changed since WinXP. My crash report in WinXP was not a .dmp file. I don't recall what the file extension was, but I opened the crash report in Win XP using MS Excel. In addition, the file location was slightly different.
Here is an extract from the dmp file for a recent error report:

.?AVoutofmemory_error@@ Out of memory error  wt randomgrid regulargrid coil herringbone wedge echelon line column diamond box trail lineabreast echelonleft echelonright shotai fingertip dummy escortpoint no_evasive_maneuvers approach allweapons loiter escortdetachfrom intercept_bomber alert kamikaze landanywhere missile2ship missile2ground rockets bombing ditch escortdetach escortattach endloop startloop landing takeoff turn qc anti_ship convoy_raid search_destroy cas strike gai cap escort sweep bomber_intercept intercept recon nothing  Aggression AirFormation AmmoPct Armor Black Blue CanSpawn City Color Color0 Color1 Color2 Color3 Complex Country CustomAircraft CustomColors Damage Default Directive EjectorSeat Element Engine Facilities Facility FormTag FormType FrontLine FuelPct Green GroundFormation GuidedWeapons Guns ID PilotFirstName PilotLastName IsPlayer Mission Mode Multiplayer MultiplayerOnly Name NoseArt Other Params Payload QuickCombat Realism Red Route SingleUnit SingleUnits Skill Spawns Speed TargetID Theater Time Type Unit UserSelections IsVisible IsWarpable Waypoint Weather White Yellow GlobalLayer Layer MasterLayer UseCurrent Campaign CampaignFile Grid StartDate CurrentDate Date Offensive Rows Columns CellWidth CellHeight Cell VictoryAreas InvasionAreas Area ProductionCenter LandingArea Value SectorProperties Size Newbie SI SS SR M P S End DefeatedURL TieURL DeathURL VictoryURL HQ Squadron AircraftType F FB B HB Phase SquadronData SquadronInfo Alliance InvadeOn Map Image UpperLeft LowerRight Sector Round Status Seed EnableOffensives Label MissionCount RoundsToOffensiveEnd Point ReconMissions SIRE TIRE Offensives Aircraft Airbase RoundsSkipped RoundsFlown PlayerSquadron Health Data FrontLineSectors Duration LastMission Version Title Description SubTitle SuccessMessage FailureMessage Overview Intelligence SceneryLayer ReconPhoto TotalGoals HiddenGoals IsPlayer IsHidden IsSuspended IsRegenerable IsInvincible Pilot Pilots Goals Goal Points Captured OffDuration map_type Cloud Visibility Wind ID type_id Name Lat Lon Alt RelativePositions PositionType Position Die Distance position_lat position_lon position_alt position_pbh Speed IsPlayer Level Points Damage MaxDamage unit_family allegiance Skill label_text group_id Aggression Fuel alternate_path_id FormType Waypoint waypointname waypointtip waypoint_path Type formation waypoint_path_id takeoff_runway_id landing_runway_id takeoff_land_flag unit_id_position Directive runway ID units_across Heading base_lat base_lon base_alt takeoff_start_pos takeoff_stop_pos landing_start_pos landing_touchdown_pos landing_stop_pos pre_video post_video spawn flak hardpoints payload misc_data payload payloads hardpoint category entered_service min_speed max_speed cruise_speed min_alt max_alt cruise_alt dry_weight max_weight fuel_weight carrier_based max_group_size error Mission file error error filename title label frontline Unrecognized waypoint type: "%s"
No waypoint type attribute specified
Unrecognised formation type No formation type attribute specified

I've added bold type to the txt which I reported on at the start of this thread

--just for dedicated CFS3 tweakers :jump:
Thanks very Much for this information.
As soon as I have the time I plan to dance with all of this.
Rather busy right now.
:applause: :applause: :applause:
Thanks very Much for this information.
As soon as I have the time I plan to dance with all of this.
Rather busy right now.
:applause: :applause: :applause:

Hi HH,
don't forget that a lot of stuff was never completed or "operationalised" in CFS3. The new stuff highlighted may be simply artifacts of projects which were started to be built into the code, then never followed up on. Some might even be artifacts from the CFS2 engine. For instance, "kamikaze" seems to be a mission waypoint more suited to the PTO of CFS2, rather than the ETO which CFS3 was written for.

but there's no harm trying.... :applause: