Kanovalov's IL-86 and Il-96


Charter Member
I tried to ask fols this question before, but no one answered, so I waited a few months and I will try it again. DOes anyone have Konovalov's IL-86 airliner with VC and tried to takeoff in FS9? My aircraft's rudder seems stuck permanently to swerve the aircraft to port and nothing seems to fix this problem.

You can download the IL86 with VC from il86be2.zip available in FlightSim.com

Try it out and tell me how th aircraft behaves.

Downloading now will report back...

I have had several FS2009 aircraft rudders turned all the way to the right when I loade them in the first time
Am able to kick the rudder to straighten out without a problem
Well other than crashing the sim, the readme said something about starting only in 2d panel, it accelerated straight down the runway. Maybe try re-installing it, and check to be sure the sims auto pilot is off, that is a common reason for veering on roll out.
My sim crashed as well I got rid of it ...
It did run down the runway okay on a reboot before i deleted it