Kawasaki Ki-100 Army Type 5 Fighter


Last Night I started a CFS conversion of a Ki-100-Ib.
What I found was quite interesting.
The MDL was apparently built by someone who used good references.
My guess is that this started as a FS98 aircraft. The prior conversion to CFS was done by someone who did NOT use good references.
The Ki-100 was descended from the Ki-61-I by way of the Ki-61-II. I figured a copy of the AIR file for my Ki-61-Id would be a good starting point.
It turns out I was more or less correct. The modifications I had to make were consistent with a visual model that had a Center of Gravity that was noticeably higher and further aft than for my Ki-61.
The Scrape Points, Landing Gear contacts and Cockpit Viewpoint needed some substantial modification but so far that is about it.

Interestingly enough, the Ki-100-Ib is only about 1/2 inch shorter than the Ki-61-Id.
How that came about is an interesting story:
The Ki-61-Ia,b,c were 8.74 meters long.
They were armed with a pair of Ho-103 12.7 mm HMG firing through the propeller and a pair of Ho-103 mounted in the wings free firing.
A German submarine brought 800 MG151/20 20 mm cannon to Japan.
Those were mounted into the wings of 400 Ki-61-Ic.
Since the MG151/20 was not manufactured in Japan, that was all there were ever likely to be.
The next update to the Ki-61 was to simplify the tail structure by substituting a fixed tail wheel AND
by increasing the length of the nose to allow longer (front to rear) ammunition boxes to be fitted to hold shells for the Ho-5 20 mm cannon.
The shell boxes sat side by side and each held 120 rounds. These changes made for a longer and slightly heavier aeroplane.
The new Ki-61-Id was 8.94 Meters long.

When the Ki-61 was redesigned to the -II model, it appears that substantial portions of the fuselage were changed. The frame locations are not nearly the same. The shape of the vertical tail is noticeably different. The nose was lengthened to house the Ha-140 engine AND the nose was also stretched to allow the Ho-5 ammunition boxes to sit one behind the other instead of side by side. This increased the ammunition capacity to 250 rounds per gun.
About 100 of these Ki-61-II were completed before a bombing raid destroyed their engine factory.
This left 300 airframes with no engine and nothing suitable to substitute.
The solution was a bit ugly but practical. The engine bearers were cut off and a new more standard frame type engine mounting system was fitted.
The engine selected was the Mitsubishi Ha-112-II Model 62 Kinsei (Venus).
The new engine had about the same engine power as the Ha-140 but was much more reliable. The net effect was a much lighter aircraft with a bit more drag and with a much more reliable engine.

The obligatory screenshot shows the same model as before but with a modified (unfinished) Ki-61-Id AIR file.
The new engine has not yet been fitted so there is no point in a test flight yet.

- Ivan

Good News and Bad News.....
The engine tuning is turning out to be rather easy. Everything seems quite predictable.
Engines with a normal / military rating at a lower RPM always tend to be a little more of a pain to tune and this one is no exception.
The preliminary flight tests with more adjustments yet to be made suggest that the Type 5 Fighter was considerably faster than most references suggest.
To me, this is not a surprise since was an aircraft that was nearly identical in dimensions to a A6M3 Model 22 but had about 250 HP more at altitude where it was important. Yet the typical reference only suggests it is about 5 MPH faster than the A6M5.'

The problem with the Type 5 Fighter is that it was so similar in appearance to other Japanese fighters that the Allies never even recognised it as a distinct type and never bothered testing it, listing it or even giving it a code name.
The Japanese didn't treat it any better. They never gave it a name either. The Ki-100 is just an airframe type designation. The only name it had was
Goshikisen == Go-Shiki-Sentohki or 5 Type Fighter AKA 5th Year Fighter.

That was the Good News.

The Bad News is that the designer never bothered to add Landing Flaps to the model.....
I haven't quite figured out how to address that yet.

- Ivan.

In general test flying, it seems like the propeller is just a touch small. It was done intentionally, but perhaps I took it a bit too far.
Seems like I will have to do some propeller tuning after all which is usually a pain.

The lack of landing flaps really bothers me. I am not much for eye candy just for the sake of eye candy but visible flaps are a status indicator
The flaps bothered me enough that I did a quick pass at using SCASM to remove the Orange Drop Tanks for the Ki-100 Razorback (Koh).
Turned out to be quite easy and didn't seem to break anything else. I believe the result looks a lot more like a fighter should.
The razorback is not quite as consistent a model though.

Attached are some screenshots of the results.

- Ivan.

Attached is a TAIC Data sheet on the Ha-112-II from March 1945.
Note that this predates any examination of the Ki-100 whose creation was in March 1945. The Allies probably never knew the Ki-100 was worth examining because they never recognised it as a distinct type and never even assigned it a code name.
Most of the data here is fairly useful, but I am more inclined to trust the 6100 Meter (20,000 Feet) critical altitude I have from other references than the 6000 Meter (19,685 Feet) specification listed here.
Note that the Dina 3 (Ki-46-III) was a relatively fast aircraft with a maximum speed of just under 400 MPH.

The maximum power levels I am getting for Military Power are fairly close. The WEP power levels I am getting are a bit lower but I am willing to accept that because if I tune those any higher, the maximum speed at intermediate altitudes becomes considerably higher and that is where there should be a power loss from the blower shift.

Next comes some propeller tuning. This AIR file is turning out to be more work than I expected and we still haven't gotten to the panel yet.

- Ivan.

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After looking at the angles being selected by the propeller at various speeds, it appears that no real changes to the propeller tables are needed.
The engine power outputs are about where I want them for military ratings. The WEP loses any effect past about 16,100 Feet. Although I can easily change this, I am somewhat hesitant because of the expected performance gain.

The next step is to get a proper panel set up for both the Ki-61 and Ki-100. I am also looking at the possibility of cloning the Flaps from the Ki-61 to use on this aeroplane.

- Ivan.