Kawasaki P-2J... Any Way To Upgrade?


Staff member
Way back when FS2002 came out Tomohito Unayama built an excellent Kawasaki P-2J (originally P2V-Kai) turboprop Neptune. It works fine in CFS2 and FS2002 but in FS2004 you get the compatibility warning and it loses its props. Is there a way (like using ModelConverterX) to upgrade this plane so it has props in FS2004? Or, as an alternative, could I convert it up to FSX?
I know this post is more suited to the FSDeveloper website but I'd rather look dumb here than over there. :LOL: Thanks in advance for any comments.


  • P-2J_FS2002.jpg
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I recall that question being asked in the past and the answer was no, unless you have the modeler's original source file and the software it was made with, if even then. Sadly I've never heard of any other way being discovered. I have some FS8 planes that I wish could be made to work properly in FS9.
You can get rid of the compatibility warnings by adding the model name followed by =1 to the list in the [FrameCallNoWarn] section of the FS9.cfg file (if you don't have that section just add one.) That won't give you props, but for FS8 or CFS2 planes that don't lose any parts but still give the warning, you can get rid of the warning pop-up.
I suspected the answer would be no but I thought I would run it up the flagpole just in case somebody knew of a FS8-to-FS9 hack. Unayama did a nice job on the P-2J and the BQM drone-carrying version. They still look good 20+ years later.
I don't make my way around these parts as of late but I had the same problem with the Unayama P2J. I took the plunge and procured the Alphasim P2V Neptune. It's a matter of preference of course, but the Alpha P2 might be freeware now because it's an older model. It might be under the Alpha/Virtavia docket. It's worth checking out, and there are several prop mods for it, even tho I thought the ones that came with the plane looked just fine.

Just a thought.....