Kaz Ito's got another one out!

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I'm telling you Kazinori Ito is like the Stephen King of Flightsim...keeps cranking out the good stuff at a most frenetic pace!
FS2002 - FS2002 Aircraft
FS2002/FS2004 Avia Accord 201

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Date: 03-05-2012

FS2002/FS2004 Avia Accord 201. This aircraft is designed by Research &
Production Association "Avia Ltd" (Moscow, Russia) registered in 1991 and
certified as "Designer of light civil aircraft". By Kazunori Ito.
He is amazing!! Had to get it into FSX and did so without any problems. Replaced all the gauges and substituted a sound set for the time being but it's too deep and powerful for what these engines probably produce, so if anyone has a suggestion on what might be a good sound set. . .holler. The airplane definitely needs some additional liveries so I'm going to put a paint kit together and see what I can come up with. Also need to work the interior some as well, too fuzzy. Basically, it's a very cool little airplane with a lot of potential.:applause::applause:
He is amazing!! Had to get it into FSX and did so without any problems. Replaced all the gauges and substituted a sound set for the time being but it's too deep and powerful for what these engines probably produce, so if anyone has a suggestion on what might be a good sound set. . .holler. The airplane definitely needs some additional liveries so I'm going to put a paint kit together and see what I can come up with. Also need to work the interior some as well, too fuzzy. Basically, it's a very cool little airplane with a lot of potential.:applause::applause:
Paint Kit in place, working on a livery idea now.
I am going to assume that with over 250 looks and no replies that this isn't a favorite of anyone's, lol. A little surprising really as this has a nice look and feel to it, no matter. . .I forgot the rivets on the paint kit so I thought I'd post one more time and then I'm going to move on and do some liveries. I won't post any in the forum but I will eventually upload some to the SOH area.
Not true, Falcon.....

I am going to assume that with over 250 looks and no replies that this isn't a favorite of anyone's, lol. A little surprising really as this has a nice look and feel to it, no matter. . .I forgot the rivets on the paint kit so I thought I'd post one more time and then I'm going to move on and do some liveries. I won't post any in the forum but I will eventually upload some to the SOH area.

I saw this and didn't reply until now but now think I need to give a word of encouragement. I was looking forward to a few different liveries for this.

I could probably just buy a program and do some myself but I still lack a few things, like talent, skill, time and ability :icon_lol:

So Thank You in advance for any new liveries....."You Go, boy"

I like the Accord 201...interesting plane. I haven't flown it much....haven't flown any plane much lately.

I like the Accord 201...interesting plane. I haven't flown it much....haven't flown any plane much lately.
Yea same here OBIO, I get started on the paint kit then go back to doing scenery for a while, then back to the paint kit. Every time I think about flying it's either too late in the evening or I think. . ."Just a bit more work on that one airport so I can wrap it up and then. . . . .", lol
It's spring (or nearly so) here in Ohio...so that means plenty of outside work to do....and looking forward to it all actually. Fishing season is just around the bend, boating season is not far behind. Won't be long before it's time to get the veggie garden tilled up, manure and mulch hauled in and worked into the soil, maters and peppers and onions and such planted. And this year, I am definitely going to spend more time out doors, hiking along the nature trails, taking pics with my nice new digital camera. Not really interested in any facet of simming right now...got to many other things to concentrate on and enjoy doing.

I had seen it over at Flightsim when it came out but passed it up mainly because of the paint that it was displayed with. It looked kind of unreal looking. But in the tan color on this thread it looks much better so I have tried it out and it does have some nice potential for a nice plane.

Noticed it is manufactured by Avia.

Wonder if that is the same Avia that manufactured the Avia 51, the plane that Milton made a model of.

The way the plane performs right out of the box can get to 200 kts in about 5 seconds. Surely that isn't right. But by it's design and with two engines that look to be rather big, and light weight no dout it would make a very good STOL aircraft. As it is, it can take off and land in a very short space.

Besides the extremely fast acceleration rate the elevator trim seems way off and needs adjusting. With power off you can't even trim for glide.

I like the fact that it is a twin and you can easily see the props out there pulling you along.

Engine sound picks:
* FS9 Beech Barron
* FS9 Dehavilland Comet - (that may be interesting)
* Twin Lycoming Continental Sounds - Gary Jones (May sound too powerful)
* TSS Cessna 172 Soundpack - Christoffer Petersen
I had seen it over at Flightsim when it came out but passed it up mainly because of the paint that it was displayed with. It looked kind of unreal looking. But in the tan color on this thread it looks much better so I have tried it out and it does have some nice potential for a nice plane.
Yea, I thought it was a bit gaudy too, yet after looking around I found that it was a RW livery.

The way the plane performs right out of the box can get to 200 kts in about 5 seconds. Surely that isn't right. But by it's design and with two engines that look to be rather big, and light weight no dout it would make a very good STOL aircraft. As it is, it can take off and land in a very short space.

Besides the extremely fast acceleration rate the elevator trim seems way off and needs adjusting. With power off you can't even trim for glide.

I like the fact that it is a twin and you can easily see the props out there pulling you along.
Yep, cruise is only supposed to be around 135 to 140 so the 200kts is kinda off, lol. . .but I don't mind. I did notice the inability to trim accurately. I don't know how to fix that though.

Engine sound picks:
* FS9 Beech Barron
* FS9 Dehavilland Comet - (that may be interesting)
* Twin Lycoming Continental Sounds - Gary Jones (May sound too powerful)
* TSS Cessna 172 Soundpack - Christoffer Petersen
I've been testing various sounds also and haven't really hit on one that sounds right for the size engines and the fact that it's a twin.
. . . . . . .Besides the extremely fast acceleration rate the elevator trim seems way off and needs adjusting. With power off you can't even trim for glide. . . . . . . . .

Something I noticed while I was doing a walkaround before my next flight, the elevator trim tab was almost maxed to full nose-up pitch, yet I know on descent I couldn't keep the nose up without constant back pressure on the stick. Maybe someone who knows about these things can suggest an alteration to the cfg file settings?
I had been planning to see if I couldn't find a way to make the pitch trim adjust more properly but haven't found the time yet.

Using the mfg's website performance specifications that you posted a link to over on the FSX forum and used some searched conversion calculators and arrived at these figures. The mfg's posted numbers in km/h.

..............................................................[km/h]....=.... [mph]....=....[knots/h]
*Max not-to-exceed operating speed (Vne)......295......=.......183.....=.......159
*Max level flight speed..................................260......=.......161.....=.......140
*Max allowed speed with extended flaps...........195......=.......121.....=.......105

*Stall speed - Mfg. did not post a stall speed number.

Ahhh Couldn't get my chart to line up but they are squenced right. Sorry!
Nice plane :applause: but also have the same trim problem, also tried ACM to check the geometry and contact point positions and it was :mixedsmi:.. maybe something needs to be done with the airfile too.
Nice plane :applause: but also have the same trim problem, also tried ACM to check the geometry and contact point positions and it was :mixedsmi:.. maybe something needs to be done with the airfile too.
I am totally ignorant of FDE work, I'll just put that out there up front, lol. I was going through the aircraft.cfg file yesterday, comparing it to some of his others and found several things that were missing (or at least I think they were things that should be there).
For instance:
There was no [flight_tuning] section and no [electrical] section. Maybe they weren't required, but they seemed to be in every other aircraft config file I looked at. Having said that. . .after adding those two, it still made no difference, lol.
Fly Now-Play Later

Ok, so here are my FDEs for the Accord201. FS9 and FSX versions. One piston and one turbo-prop (just for fun). Turn off rudder auto-coordination and max the sensitivity on your joy so you can 'sport around' with the turbo version. Add flaps and you can fly around at 50 kts, low and slow. Top speed=Classified (hehe). The Piston version of both is as much 'spec' as I could get it. Take a bigger hammer to it if you want to make changes. Ok by me. The turbo-prop is outrageous. Hope you like.
Chuck B
You will be mildly surprised (I hope). The one thing you will like is that there is no need for any pitch trim fiddleing. In fact you don't even need flaps to take off. Hit the throttle, adjust to 85%, and pull back on stick when over 100 kts and you are 'there'. For cruise pitch trim is '-0.2' (can be fixed but left it). For slow flying (50 kts) you will need around '+2.0' of trim, which is par for the course. I flew for hours, all types of flying, including water land (it has floats-just to keep from crashing if it hits 'water') and I did not even touch the pitch trim. Ha! Labor saving FDE's (hehe). And, I almost forgot, it has spoiler so you can 'perform' those 45 kt landings. Otherwise you don't need it. It will do aerobatics (but take it easy on the G's, it's not 'certified' for rough handling). That's it. Go do those impossible bush strip landings with ease.
Chuck B