Kazunori Ito DO335-A12 and panel do335 pan


Charter Member
These both come from FlightSim and I have nothing but praise for both:applause:

The panel uses Hauke Keitel's KEDI gauges and the panel folder contains this

View attachment 94121

Radio set up in one image as a bmp file.

I was hoping to transfer this to Mr Keitel's Ju 90, but there is no information about the gauge placement in the panel folder:isadizzy: and would appreciate advice. All these gauges are already present in the Ju 90, but placed in a more obtrusive fashion it seems to me

thank you,


edit: I am going to try to make a Window with this image.

Thanks for those files, AndyG.

The reason I couldn't find anything out about the gauge placement was that I didn't scroll down far enough in the panel cfg, past a big blank space :blind:; below that are all the writings . DOH.
