Kazunori Ito's P-61 Black Widow ...


SOH Staff
This warbird has been out for a while now, and I've modded the heck out of it, but am lacking a better 2d panel, I seem to remember there was one available somewhere?

Any help is appreciated! Mike :wavey:
Hi Mike,
If you PM me with your email I'll send it to you. It is by the FDG and a very good one.

Cheers Shessi

has the issue with a drop tank under only one wing been resolved?
sure would like to see that fixed.
Check the video above and if you open eyes you will see it's fixed :)

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Warbirds FS2004 Coopers Lockheed P-61B Black Widow
[SIZE=-1] [ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: p61_coop.zip Size: 3,782,059 Date: 07-30-2006 Downloads: 1,068
FS2004 Coopers Lockheed P-61B Black Widow. Textures only; requires P61B_BW.ZIP. Includes both clean and weathered versions. Model by Kazunori Ito. By Elko Kuiper.[/SIZE]
These are actualy the same repaints the first is a clean and the second one is a weathered version. I removed the two fueltanks that are placed on just one side of the airplane with the use of alpha channels.
I would like to thank Kazunori Ito for this outstanding aircraft.
These textures are freeware and that's the way they should remain.
I hope you enjoy this repaint and wish you happy landings.

Fight model mod:

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Warbirds FS2004 Northrop P-61B Black Widow
[SIZE=-1] [ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: p-61bfix.zip Size: 202,387 Date: 04-03-2009 Downloads: 529
FS2004 Northrop P-61B Black Widow. Changes to the .cfg files so that this plane may fly straighter. By Ricardo Jones.[/SIZE]

My contact points mod:

static_pitch = 0.5
static_cg_height = 9.05
tailwheel_lock = 0
max_number_of_points = 7

point.0 = 1, 24.3, 0, -9.1, 2776, 0, 1.747, 60, 0.208, 0.899, 0.8, 5, 5, 0, 170, 200
point.1 = 1, 4.000, -11.700, -9.000, 2776, 1, 2.400, 0.000, 0.390, 1.587, 0.778, 5.000, 5.000, 2, 170.0, 200.0
point.2 = 1, 4.000, 11.700, -9.000, 2776, 2, 2.400, 0.000, 0.390, 1.587, 0.778, 5.000, 5.000, 3, 150.0, 180.0
point.3 = 2, 8.000, -42.500, 4.000, 1575, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 5
point.4 = 2, 8.000, 42.500, 4.000, 1575, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 6
point.5 = 2, -28.667, 0.000, -1.300, 1575, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 9
point.6 = 2, 8.000, 0.000, -0.167, 1575, 0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 4

Check the video above and if you open eyes you will see it's fixed :)

very nice video.
I guess my eyes are open wide shut.
my apologies, but I see no drop tanks.
I guess I should have made myself more clear.
I would like to see drop tanks on the left and right wings,
not just the right wing, as on the original model.
again, sorry for any misunderstanding.
Smilo, as Claudius says it would have to be modelled on by Ito-san OR scasmed in by some clever so and so!

Cheers Shessi
Hi Claudius

I have downloaded and installed the Cooper pack. When I select the clean version the fuselage is untextured grey (Black wings, booms and tails) When I select the weathered version the entire aircraft is untextured grey and both versions still show the assymetrical droptank loadout. Mr Ito's original black and green are fully textured. I downloaded the Coopers from Flightsim.


This repaint is for the Lockheed P-61 Black Widow made by Kazunori Ito.
These are textures only and you will need the P-61 model that is available at flightsim.com
Unzip the texturefolders into your P-61 folder, then add the folowing lines to the aircraft.cfg
title=P-61B Coopers
ui_type=P-61B Black Widow
ui_variation=Cooper's Snooper
description=Northrop P-61B is a twin-engine two- to three place night fighter.\nIt was designed as a cantilever monoplane with a central fuselage pod, engine nacells blended into the double booms carrying the double-fin empennage.\nIt had a retractable tri-cycle undercarriage was equipped with the radar gear and gun and rocket armament.\n\nby Kazunori Ito\n

title=P-61B Coopers Worn2
ui_type=P-61B Black Widow
ui_variation=Cooper's Snooper (Weathered)
description=Northrop P-61B is a twin-engine two- to three place night fighter.\nIt was designed as a cantilever monoplane with a central fuselage pod, engine nacells blended into the double booms carrying the double-fin empennage.\nIt had a retractable tri-cycle undercarriage was equipped with the radar gear and gun and rocket armament.\n\nby Kazunori Ito\n
replace the x in [fltsim.x] to the following number in line.
That's all.
These are actualy the same repaints the first is a clean and the second one is a weathered version. I removed the two fueltanks that are placed on just one side of the airplane with the use of alpha channels.
I would like to thank Kazunori Ito for this outstanding aircraft.
These textures are freeware and that's the way they should remain.
I hope you enjoy this repaint and wish you happy landings.
Elko Kuiper

Try this

Smilo, as Claudius says it would have to be modelled on by Ito-san OR scasmed in by some clever so and so!

Cheers Shessi

I would imagine that Ito-san has moved well beyond this project
and I am not a clever enough so and so to scasm in FS9.
pity, a long range version would be nice to have.
the airfile is done, but the model is not.
...not so subtle of a hint to the clever.
Lobo's P-61 2d panel is up in the download queue now.

Has anyone played with the flight model for the P-61?

Speaking of the 2D panel, I downloaded the FDG model/panel and installed the panel to a temp folder. I found it's missing needed gauges. (See gauges marked in bold) Where do I find them?

window_size= 1.000, 1.010
window_pos= 0.000, 0.000

gauge00=FDG_P61b!Beacon Light, 152,740,22,29
gauge01=FDG_P61b!Fuel Gauge, 840,587,67,112
gauge02=FDG_P61b!Fuel Pressure, 848,720,52,52
gauge03=FDG_P61b!Fuel Warning Lamp, 820,410,20,27
gauge04=FDG_P61b!Landing Light, 128,740,22,29
gauge05=FDG_P61b!Nav Light, 175,739,22,29
gauge06=FDG_P61b!Oil Pressure, 669,632,86,79
gauge07=FDG_P61b!Oil Temperature, 664,546,89,84
gauge08=FDG_P61b!Radar, 551,403,106,103
gauge09=FDG_P61b!Recognition Light, 223,739,22,29
gauge10=FDG_P61b!Strobe Light, 200,740,22,29
gauge11=FDG_P61b!Tachometer, 754,463,86,79
gauge12=p38f_lightning!Airspeed-Indicator, 185,571,83,82
gauge13=p38f_lightning!Turn-Coordinator, 273,467,81,80
gauge14=p38f_lightning!Altimeter, 187, 479 ,83,81
gauge15=p38f_lightning!Climb-Indicator, 276,385,77,76
gauge16=p38f_lightning!Attitude-Indicator, 384,439,95,93
gauge17=p38f_lightning!Directional-Gyro, 336,583,109,109
gauge18=p38f_lightning!Magnetic-Compass, 467,596,108,108

gauge19=FDG_P61b!Carb Air Temperature, 760,548,79,79
gauge20=FDG_P61b!Cylinder Head Temperature, 671,465,81,77
gauge21=FDG_P61b!Fuel Selector, 664,377,83,83
gauge22=FDG_P61b!Manifold Pressure, 753,629,86,86
gauge23=douglas_dc3!radio_compass, 187,386,79,79
gauge24=p38f_lightning!Landing-Gear-Flaps-Indicator, 765,724,67,60

gauge25=concorde!Avionics-Display-Toggle, 578,541,16,16
gauge26=concorde!Compass-Display-Toggle, 596,541,16,16
gauge27=concorde!GPS-Display-Toggle, 561,541,16,16
gauge28=F4U1A_Corsair!Icon_Engine_Controls, 632,541,16,16
gauge29=F4U1A_Corsair!Icon_Map, 614,541,16,16
gauge30=p38f_lightning!Clock, 764,402,54,51
gauge31=p38f_lightning!Coolant-Temperature, 673,721,78,67
gauge32=f4f4_wildcat!Master-Switch, 127,684,19,31
gauge33=kingair!Right Ignition, 219,682,28,38
gauge34=kingair!Left Ignition, 175,684,19,30
gauge35=kingair!Left Generator, 151,684,19
gauge36=kingair!Right Generator, 198,684,19
P-61 'no_turret_model'

Looking for this file for Ito's P-61B, but have only stumbled on a muy malo website at "4share... something', which required my anti-virus program to clean up and re-boot my PC. Any idea where the no-turret file might be these days? Thanks in advance - John
Gee.. I must really be out of it. I didn't know Kaz did a P-61... I remember seeing some repaints for a P-61 a few years back but thought it was for a different model. "Jap Batty" and "Lady of the Dark" ring a bell with any of you Black Widow flyers?

This warbird has been out for a while now, and I've modded the heck out of it, but am lacking a better 2d panel, I seem to remember there was one available somewhere?

Any help is appreciated! Mike :wavey:

I realize its been a while but could you show what you changed...?
From the efforts of others...

From CFS3 repaint specialists, A26 gauge techs, a radar specialist, panel masters, taking a bit of all,
mix it together, gets you something you wish you had.

Many thanks for their efforts..:encouragement: