KBOS shore lines


I hope someone can advise me on this as I can't figure it. This is KBOS in FS2004 GW3 and I don't recall making any scenery changes to this area. Thanks if you can help.
If it was just FREEflow New England (or any other corrected water scenery) there wouldn't be shorelines out in the water like that.

What would do that is a combination of FREEflow New England (or another corrected water scenery) plus another scenery (Logan Airport, perhaps?) that's either:

- intended to work with the stock scenery, or

- the reverse - no corrected water scenery but another scenery that's meant to work with corrected shorelines.

Some scenery includes its own shorelines, and they would be set up to work with either the stock shorelines or a corrected water scenery, but not both.

One way or another, it looks like there are a couple of incompatible sceneries installed and active at the same time.

Edit: Another possibility occurs to me. Maybe if there is a corrected water scenery link FFNE and a Logan airport scenery that has its own shorelines, perhaps the airport is below the corrected water in the scenery stack when it needs to be above it?

2nd Edit: I have FFNE in GW, and I installed a Boston airport scenery that was designed to work with GW and the stock shorelines. It looks rather like what I see in your screenshot. I installed that airport and had to make exclude files to get rid of a few misplaced shorelines that were out in the water like in your screen shot, but I only had to get rid of a few little bits of shoreline, not big sections like you have. Still, it might be the same sort of issue but not the exact same scenery.

And yes, the stock shorelines really are that far off! I know this from the way the stock scenery depicts lakes and rivers in my home locale in western Mass, where some lakes and ponds are incredibly inaccurate.
Looks like the scenery: "East Boston" by William Sanders, changes the shore lines. Disabling FFNE had no effect. Must be conflicting with something else.
Looks like the scenery: "East Boston" by William Sanders, changes the shore lines. Disabling FFNE had no effect. Must be conflicting with something else.


I have FFNE and I have William Sanders' East Boston installed. (I couldn't remember his or the airport's names when I posted before.) I had to make some exclude files to disappear some shorelines that were out in the bay like that, but I don't recall having to hide that much stuff. My recollection is that I only had to make a few exclude files. But maybe I'm sugar coating the memory, and have repressed a lot of work that I did but don't recall.

My memory must be going. I did this several years ago, but I should be able t recall what I did! I looked in my GW for the exclude file or files to post for you, and I can't find any excludes with file names that suggest East Boston, Boston, KBOS or anything like that. But I know I have the Sanders East Boston in GW with FFNE and I managed to make it work, and I can't think of any other way to have done that without using exclude files. The two are definitely not compatible right out of the box, but they can be made to get along.

I gotta start taking memory drops or somethin'. I often look at someone's work and ask, "How did he do that?" but I shouldn't have to ask that question about my own stuff!

Ha ha, thanks Mick. I know the feeling, at 69 I'm ,lucky to remember what I had for breakfast today. To bad 'cause I really like the away his Logan looks.
Figured It Out !!!

OK, I figured it out! I knew I always keep a recods or a copy of everything I make; I just had to figure out where to look for it.

The main thing you need is a pair of replacement files for FFNE that Scott Gridley made to adjust the shorelines so that George Grimshaw's Logan Airport scenery would work with FFNE. You don't need the modern KBOS scenery, which would be grossly anachronistic in GW, just the shoreline adjustments.

That tweak was released on Avsim and was apparently lost in the big hack, because it's not there now. I've attached a copy here, along with an AFCAD file I made that includes a small ramp that covers up an unwanted bit of water near the airport, and two small ramps that cover unfortunately located "mud flats" in the harbor (located right in front of docked ships) with ADCAD "water," which doesn't look all that much like water, but it looks better there than dirt. At least it doesn't jump up and poke you in the eye like it does if you have dirt there. (You could call the dirt "sandbars" if it wasn't for those ships right there.)

It's not perfect because of those two little bits of AFCAD "water," but it's acceptable, and it allows the use of William Sanderson's East Boston with FFNE in Golden Wings without any misplaced shorelines floating around in the bay. The few remaining discrepancies are minor and hardly noticeable.
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