KC-135R Multi player and FSRecorder users needed for beta test


Charter Member
KC-135R Multi player and FSRecorder users needed for beta test

Following the discussion further down this thread list, we have finally (?) plumped for using the tail hook command ( Shift-Q) to lower/raise the fuelling probe on our FS2004 KC-135.

What we don't know, because we are not users of them, is whether or not this suits the requirements of multi player users and/or FSRecorder users.

We need a few kind souls who use these programs to test it. If you have an hour or two and would like to help please drop me an email at the address below and I'll send a download link.



support (at) premaircraft.com
Two other offers have been received via that email address, please try again, it is valid.

Soooo ...thanks to the volunteer testers we have established that the fuel boom animation (Shift-Q) works in FSRecorder.

Unfortunately we did not get any offers to test in multi-player, maybe that's more of a FSX thing ?

Boom works just fine for me in FS recorder module as well. Just seems this aircraft is a litlle more nimble than one might think it should be in terms of handling. As others have suggested, just assign a tailhook key and you are good to go ...

Lands perfect every time. Very nice aircraft Bob! Mike :salute:
I know there are some here who can answer this:
What do the belly lights look like on the KC135, used to guide the approaching thirsty one?
Thanks Flyboy.

The KC-135R certainly has lots of poke, the CFM56 engines have 100% more power than the original J-57's. The book says it has an initial climb rate of 4,500 ft/min, and the model will achieve that, but I'm happier with 3,000 ft/min :gameon:

I thought she was a bit heavy on the controls and slow to turn but I think I'm mentally comparing it with the smaller planes that we usually make, after all she is very heavy when fully loaded.
