Kc-97l & kb-50j


Charter Member
I have re installed the KC-97L and have been trying to put together a sound file including the jet engine sounds. I am still working on this but it set me thinking about the auxiliary jet engines on these types. I have read that the jets were used for take off and to get extra speed and height to transfer fuel to higher performance fighters such as Phantoms. I am not sure if the jets ran all the flight or were just fired up when extra thrust was needed. If they were shut down in flight this would affect the sounds in my file, also in real life would the engine windmill and have lubrication problems? I have not noticed any inlet doors similar to those on P-2 Neptunes. Any former tanker crewmen on here?
I'm not a former tanker crewman, but I'm almost certain that the jets were only fired up for take-off and when refueling jets. Those would have been the only times the extra power was needed.

There are a couple mixed-power sound sets available here in the SOH library. I'm not sure I remember who made them up, so I won't mention names lest I get it wrong, but I have mixed power sound sets for the Ryan FR Fireball and the North American AJ Savage, and I'm certain I got them here.

I believe they both have the jets operating all the time. I don't know if it's possible to have the jets just kick in at certain times.
Hi Jeff

I am hoping to get the jet sounds phased in as the radials come up to full power, I got your mixed power files to start me off, thanks for the inspiration. I am also investigating other FS9 mixed power aircraft to see how they handle things, thanks for the pointers Mick.
In real life I wonder about lugging about the jets just adding weight and drag when not lit, still it seems to have been worthwhile.

I' d start with a good soundset for the aircraft, and then adjust EVERY "rparams" and "vparams" line by multiplying the 1st number of each pair by .9, and adding another pair to any sound that plays at full throttle (1st number in pair would be 1.0, before modification) (add in a duplicate copy of the last pair in the set, as it was before you started modifying).

This will bring the piston engine sounds up to "full throttle", when the throttle is only at 90%, and keep them there from 90% to 100%.

I would then add in additional sound sections to engines 1 and 4, to fade the jet sounds in from about 88% to 100%. (You want a little bit of overlap) You may just need the "full throttle" wav's from the jet sounds, as the others may tend to be lost under the piston engine sounds.

I did this once for a FS98 KB-50L, but that was MANY years ago, and it'll take a while to find, and figure out, just what I did back then, if the FS98 techniques are even still applicable.

Ah ha! Jeff, I thought it was you, but I was too lazy to go digging through my backup files to be sure.

Mike, lugging the jet pods around unlit most of the time seems more worthwhile when you consider that the only way an all-prop Stratofreighter could keep its speed above the stall speed of the jets was by running downhill at full throttle. They called it "tobogganing."

I've read that when a KC-97 refueled a B-47, they lost so much altitude that the B-47 would burn all the new fuel just climbing back to cruising altitude, for a net gain in range of about zero. The Air Force just hoped that the Soviets would never learn about that because the B-47's deterrent value would've evaporated.

This is why the KC-135 became a top priority program!