Keeping FSX Hangar tidy

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Charter Member 2015
LOL ... it's only been a week .... already getting crowded!

I want to do in FSX what I did in FS9: toss everything I don't want. All airliners, ultralights, and other bits and bobs that I don't wan't. I want to quicken initial sim load time, as well as save some HDD space.

So, it should be as easy as tossing everything I don't need, but I'm sure there's a catch - like

1) changing my default plane to something else (not that silly ultralight) - never did that in FS9, don't know how to do it here.

2) I can imagine doing some of the adventures - but I'd like to keep only 1 version of the Merlin, say. How do I redirect all adventures using the Merlin to use the CF version, for example? All the carrier missions to use a particular version of the Hornet - and toss the rest of the textures, etc.

I'm not worried about AI at the moment - I'd like to eventually replace all the stock AI with planes like what I had in FS9 - dedicated AI planes (of the retro AI, DC-8, 707 variety).

Many thanks!
Well, I don't remember exactly how to do this but I think to change your default aircraft save a flight as default and it will replace itself (you may have to delete the other)

As for the missions I think you are pretty much stuck with them the way that they are because at the end of the mission there is a reward which is based on the pre-determined circumstances.

If you check the box allow changes in mission you can change your aircraft that you use in the mission.
Well, I don't remember exactly how to do this but I think to change your default aircraft save a flight as default and it will replace itself (you may have to delete the other)

As for the missions I think you are pretty much stuck with them the way that they are because at the end of the mission there is a reward which is based on the pre-determined circumstances.

If you check the box allow changes in mission you can change your aircraft that you use in the mission.

Hmmm - so I need to figure out which mission uses which plane, and keep that one - or toss the lot out, and take my chances with the mission? Thanks for the feedback - this helps.

Also, my apologies - meant to do this under FSX General - Mods, please feel free to move.


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