Keeping my fingers crossed


Charter Member
I've had my PC in a local shop, to get things figured out on it, why some things (like sound) wouldn't work.
Slipped by, to see if the guy found anything...WOW...said he found thousands of virus' on it! That's after I got hit with the one, that shut me down, years ago. Son, and one of his computer wiz friends, told me they got it off. Looks like I get to give my son a little shock.

Appeared to be running okay, when I fired it up, while back. The shop is gonna fool with it a little more, then I'll get to look, and see what is missing...gone. CFS3.exe is one file that was infected, now gone. Not sure if any extras are still there. Not sure if my discs are still around.

Appears everything works on the PC, now. I'll have it back, in a day, or two. Then, I'll be able to check all my files and programs, to see what's missing.

Strikes me funny, trying a few different bought anti-virus programs, and get hit hard. The PC shop loads a free anti-virus on it, and it found all those viruses. Real glad I wasn't able to send anybody, any of my files!

It will be clean, when I get it back.
Thanks, gecko! there a 'safe' location, to get copies of cfs3.exe? I did a little hunting, for downloads sites, to see if their around. One, had a couple reviews, that was saying the files were loaded with a virus. My copy of cfs3.exe is gone, now, after the anti-virus was infected.

No big deal. If I have to, I'll look for new/used cfs3 discs, since mine seem to be missing.
for the heck of it

PC up, and running. CFS3 running.
I can get on the internet...but for some reason, not all sites. Think it's in my browser settings. So far, can't get my email to load.

Anyway, that virus I had, guessing it infected mostly Microsoft programs, got to the .exe files. Word, and Excel won't work, along with my Paint Shop Pro 6, since the psp.exe is gone.
Those files were deleted, after the anti-virus picked 'em up.

So, that's where I'm at. And, gotta re-learn my way through gmax, just to get going.
PC up, and running. CFS3 running.
I can get on the internet...but for some reason, not all sites. Think it's in my browser settings. So far, can't get my email to load.

Anyway, that virus I had, guessing it infected mostly Microsoft programs, got to the .exe files. Word, and Excel won't work, along with my Paint Shop Pro 6, since the psp.exe is gone.
Those files were deleted, after the anti-virus picked 'em up.

So, that's where I'm at. And, gotta re-learn my way through gmax, just to get going.

I know many viruses are in front of pc keyboard ......:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy: