Kenley and ETO


Charter Member 2012
First of all thank you to everyone involved in ETO, well done and it was worth the wait :applause:. Ive only had one problem with it so far and that is Kenley looks a bit odd. Does anyone know what Ive done wrong? Ive included a screen shot. Cheers
Its probably nothing you have done. There may have been a glitch in the first release of the ETO. Maybe a patch will help. Of course, I don't have the ETO Expansion, but thats my best guess.:kilroy:

Thanks for letting us know. Correct me if I am wrong. You only see this problem in the winter time? I just ran QC through Keneley and the summer textures were okay. In any case I have put it on our list of items to be corrected. Its either a blown MOS file or lack of alpha as I get a black square in the winter texture.
I'm getting the same black square area, only in the winter settings though. Summer is fine.

I had a quick look and this is happening during the summer season. Not only does this weird effect happen but the FPS rate reduces to about 3 or 4 when Im flying over the airfield. Makes landings a little tricky. I used to a have similar problem with Kenley before ETO when I set the budgetpixeldim to 256 in the composite texture budgets. It went away when I returned it to 128 and it worked fine. Im totally confused on why its happening :isadizzy:, could it be my card? I have a Nvidia Geforce 6200. Any help much appreciated!!
My winter and autumn seasons look like that. Spring and summer are ok.

Let me be a little more clear. It doesn't look like the screenshot (above) but the base looks like it's sitting on a black square(ish) texture. I'll attach a screenshot if needed.
Mmm...I'll look into this over the weekend. The mos file for Kenley is pretty complicated we may have to simplify it a little if its causing problems. Same with the winter texture.

My winter and autumn seasons look like that. Spring and summer are ok.

Let me be a little more clear. It doesn't look like the screenshot (above) but the base looks like it's sitting on a black square(ish) texture. I'll attach a screenshot if needed.

Exactly the same here..:mixedsmi:
I get the same as chriseponymous summer or winter, but then I always did on Pat's earlier Kenley.

Just out for a flight around the London bases, scenery set to 2, (not many buildings), fps 35-42, fly over Kenley, fps 9-10.
No problem with other bases.:isadizzy:

Think it many be my hardware.
Ive just tried reducing the slider value for the graphics and then started a QC above Kenley on my system and I got a much better result. I was running everything at 5 (possibly a little confident!) but I reduced terrain and scenery to 4 and I had no problems. I then tried taking off from Kenley and unfortunatley suffered similar FPS problems as before. Is the Kenley model a much more complex airfield than the others? One of the exciting things about ETO for me was the airfields, the amount of time and effort for these alone must of been staggering. Tangmere, Biggin Hill, Hawkinge, Duxford and Kenley are just amazing (Thank You!). I also tried the winter texture for Kenley and go this result,
My Kenley looks like that. Pat did mention that Kenley was more complicated and that's probably why the frame rate it reduced.
Yep chriseponymous, I would guess that 5 was a little ambitious :d.
With a bit of tweaking to config, and perhaps using the low resoution dds textures option in the Assets folder of your ETO install, you may get a better result. I just read about the low resolution option in another thread. Those ETO guys think of everything!

Won't fix the winter texture problem of course.
Is there any info available on tweaking config and how the changes effect the visuals? :icon_lol:
Hi mate,
the quickest way is to go to, and enter the Groundcrew section. thence into Garage corner go thee, where you will find.....a pot of gold. Or rather, detailed instructions on enabling 2048 x 2048 textures, giving full config settings.

Now you may find that enabling 2048 is a bit much for your graphics card, but most of the settings will be invaluable for you. if you don't want to enable 2048, then under the Texture Info tab, keep the Composite Aircraft Texture Max Dimension slider down to around the fourth blip along (my window has never allowed me to see the number for this parameter as I've enabled a large font setting in my video propperties).

also under the Texture Limits tab, set the Texture Max Dimension to 512. Otherwise, follow the instructions of the Garage Corner blurb closely.

Otherwise wait for someone who knows more but is slower to answer :icon_lol:
Thanks for the help will give it ago. Just out of interest, where was the info on airfields to build the ones in ETO sourced from?
Just out of interest, where was the info on airfields to build the ones in ETO sourced from?

Many, many hours of research and money on books. Flashgordon, Frosty and myself with contributions by lots of other folks, especially Kevboy for some fab photos of Martlesham.

If you're interested in such stuff try and get a copy of 'The Battle of Britain Then & Now', it's the Bible of BoB airfields.

Here's a list of the 'authentic' airfields. The layouts are early/mid 1940:

North Weald

Then Graveley is a 1942 on bomber base.
(There's more to come btw)

All the rest of the UK airfields are heavily modded stock.

Pat :)
Kenley Fix

Here's a fix - I've collapsed the mos layers into one flat texture so that it's now the same as the other bases and it has a winter texture.

To install:
1) Navigate to your CFS3 ETO Expansion/ACC Airfields folder.
2) Remove the existing Kenley folder (back it up!)
3) Replace it with the new one.

This is an 'unofficial' fix and will find it's way into the first proper update.
In the meantime it'll eneable you to enjoy Kenley!

Btw Frosty made the Kenley ground textures, I think they are stunning! :applause: and the ACC miss his input.
Cheers for the fix Pat, downloading it now. I actually had a quick flick through the Then and Now book whilst I was at Hendon the other week. Hendon is well worth a visit if anyone has not been, especially the Battle of Britain hall. Couldnt quite afford the £50 though, maybe itll go on my Christmas list! Thanks again :jump:
Couldnt quite afford the £50 though

Try your local library, I got it from ours originally then bought a copy through amazon. I only paid £25 luckily.

Glad the fix worked ok, should save you a few fps too. :)