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I have this file by spqr33 and am confused by these requirements,what exactly are they ships,ground?,anyone?


<Unit ID="9427" Type="a_cckw353"/>
<Unit ID="9443" Type="acc_fire_light"/>
Thanks Major

Will scour ETO vehicles for them Major.
Ok got them standard equipment!
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Kenly attack wont load

The sim won`t load but if i remove all facilities it comes to life.
where to find these below.
<Facility ID="9307" Type="flak_battery_2" Lat="N51*10'57.5395"" Lon="W0*4'41.6814"" heading="90" Country="Britain"/>
<Facility ID="9306" Type="flak_battery_2" Lat="N51*10'54.0814"" Lon="W0*1'52.4982"" heading="270" Country="Britain"/>
<Facility ID="9305" Type="flak_mobil_defences" Lat="N51*12'32.0844"" Lon="W0*3'15.8614"" heading="0" Country="Britain"/>
<Facility ID="9304" Type="flak_mobil_defences" Lat="N51*9'18.4088"" Lon="W0*3'16.2425"" heading="180" Country="Britain"/>
<Facility ID="9303" Type="gc_searchlights" Lat="N51*10'50.4201"" Lon="W0*2'36.8414"" heading="0" Country="Britain"/>
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Hi Alcanallen,

In ETO you have all the facility files being called for except "flak_battery_2"

you either need to find that facility file and put it into your ETO facility folder or edit the mission to call on a different flak setup. You could try using "flak_static_battery" as a replacement (which is in ETO) or simply delete that one facility from the mission.

regards Rob.