Key (ù) and (I) have no effect! (CFS3 & OFF P3)

  • Thread starter jacques-charles
  • Start date


I did not find how to use these two functions:
- View locked (key U): the action does nothing.
- Indicator enemy (key I): its announcement of a cone laid on or off, but nothing else is.

However, these keys are working properly:
- Tactical indicator (key T)
- Labeling equipment (key ctrl + shift + L)
- key F3, F4, F5

Would you help me to understand and correct these two anomalies ? :help:

Thank you in advance
View locked means that if you lock onto an aircraft (probably button 5 on your joystick), then your "eye" should centre on that aircraft, rather than on the gunsight. In other words, no matter what your aircraft may be doing, you will be looking at the target. If you haven't locked onto an aircraft (visible yellow brackets around the aircraft, and the icon on the tactical "radar" display goes from red or purple to yellow) then it won't do anything.

It;'s the same for the cone. It indicates the direction to the aircraft you're locked on to. If you haven't locked on, it won't show on the screen. Hope this helps.

If you're still stuck, feel free to send me a private message, in French if you'd prefer, and when I get a moment - very busy day coming up! - I'll try and help.
Couple of screenshots to demonstrate.

In the first, you can see the yellow icon on the "radar", and the cone, which disappears when the enemy aircraft is in the central part of your screen.

In the second, he has flown off to one side, but by pressing the "lock" key, you can follow him rather than look out of the front windscreen. Good way to crash - it's best to click back and forth!

But you need to select him as target first.
First TAB key to target something.
Then ` key to padlock view whatever you have made the target.

The padlock key is ` on English keyboards, it is the key to the left of the 1 key up on the top row. In English systems ` looks something like the ' key which is two keys to the right of the L key (a different key).

Perhaps cfs3 requires using English keyboards, instead of French?

You might try using the ESCAPE key to bring up the list of options and then chose 'key assignments' on that list to assign the padlock function to a different key, any key that works correctly on French keyboards?
First TAB key to target something.
Then ` key to padlock view whatever you have made the target.

The padlock key is ` on English keyboards, it is the key to the left of the 1 key up on the top row. In English systems ` looks something like the ' key which is two keys to the right of the L key (a different key).

Perhaps cfs3 requires using English keyboards, instead of French?

You might try using the ESCAPE key to bring up the list of options and then chose 'key assignments' on that list to assign the padlock function to a different key, any key that works correctly on French keyboards?

I have configured other keys for the same function (view locked and indicator enemy), but the result is the same.
I confirm that the radar is operating normally.
Thank you for your assistance