In my FS9 installation I routinely use the keyboard combo "ctrl + F2" to decrease prop pitch as required. This has worked for years in multiple installs of FS9 until about an hour ago, when for some reason when now activating this key combo, I get a small black box in the upper left of the screen saying "recording not available." Repeated applications of the key combo just result in the box reappearing. After going into "options" and reinstalling the appropriate keyboard combination the "ctrl + F2" combination will still not work to decrease prop pitch, although the "ctrl + F3" combo will work for increasing the pitch. I can still manually change pitch using the mouse. This problem first surfaced on the - wait for it - F7F-1 package. I did a cold start and prior to engine start changed the prop pitch from its default position of full increase back to full decrease, then back to full increase. It's now transferred to every aircraft in the sim. Did I manage to foul something up in the sim settings by doing this in that aircraft's cockpit?