Keystone Bomber


Does anyone know of a Keystone Bomber for FS9? I found several by Paul Clawson for FSx but none for FS9. I thought I remembered a Keystone for FS9 from wayback. Thanks
I don't have one, and a Keystone would be right up my alley, so I can say with some confidence that if there was one I'd have it.

Memory is fuzzy, but someone, I think it was Paul, made a Keystone a couple sims back, maybe for FS2K or even FS98. Anyway, it doesn't work in FS9; it loses its props.

If it worked in FS9 I'd have it installed in Golden Wings.
ok thanks I thought so

I also thought I saaw one a while back, must be the same one you were thinking of ,for FS2 or 98 ,I know there is one for FSx but thats no help, maybe someone will decide to make one for FS9, who knows? Thanks
My Keystone B-6A was for FSX Acceleration and is available at flightsim and simviation. The file is: I think you are thinking of my Curtiss B-2 which was similar and for FS8.

Best, Paul
Thanks Paul

Thanks Paul ,I found your Keystone but since I only have FS9 I'll have to wait till someone comes up with one for FS9.