KFZY ILS not showing up....


Charter Member
I have tried this ILS with a couple of aircraft but cannot get the radios to link up.AFCAD implies there is an ILS on runway 33, as it won't allow another to be added there, only on the other runways but the radios stay asleep :dizzy:. Your thoughts are awaited.
It will help to know exactly which plane you're using, and possibly get a screenshot of your ILS gauge while on approach. I just took a look in the Sim with the default Baron and the ILS for Rwy 33 on110.90 works just fine. I took a look at it in AFCAD and found one small error - the PAPI elevation is 3.5°, while the glideslope beacon is set to 4.3°. I'm wondering if that might be what you're seeing if you're following the lights and expecting the flight director to agree with them.
Thanks for the reply; I tried both the default Cessna 172 and the Electra with Fraser Mackay's panel.. I'll go and try again. It certainly shows there to be one in AFCAD. I never saw the PAPI lights either and assumed the beam would come alive in place of them. Didn't happen:dizzy:.
