kirk olson F-16 navigation lights VC effect


Charter Member
Does anyone know how to remove (if possible?) the flash effect in the virtual cockpit of kirk olson's F-16 model (especially the model of when using the navigation lights, without the loss of the nav-lights effect on the aircraft itself?

I hate those flashes in the VC while using the navigation lights during flight!


I've never tried this, but in the effect file (open with Notepad), look in the properties section and change the cockpit= and virtualcockpit= entries to 0 (zero).
I found an temporary fixture by removing the 2 line's under the [lights] section in the aircraft.cfg :

light.2=3, 12.2, 2.48, -1.4, fx_kbeacongreen ,
light.1=3, 12.2, -2.48, -1.4, fx_kbeaconred ,

No more flashing in the VC, but the flashing effect of the nav-lights on the aircraft is gone, and they are steady now.

If someone has an solution the keep the flash effect of the nav-lights on the aircraft, let me know...