Kirk Olsson F-16 Question


Charter Member
I need some help in regards to a F-16 model by Kirk Olsson. I recently downloaded a repaint from (filename by [SIZE=-1]Zsolt Beleznay. The problem is the repaint is not for his usviper model. The sim in the readme file is viper1, and the models are gbu27, jdam, mav, air, and clean. If anyone has any idea what version of Kirk's F-16 this repaint is for, could you let me know, I've also checked viperden and vipernor, and it's not for either of them.

Zsolt beautiful avatar there buddy! Ellhnikh Polemikh Aeroporia!

They're on my list to do repaints for also, 340 being a particular favourite unit :jump: better change my avatar so i keep my love for 'Home' alive :icon_lol: avatar now displays the Olympiakos Shoulder patch worn by 340Mira pilots...