Kirk Olsson F-16D Back Seat Guy...


Staff member
Happy New Year!

A question... any way to get the guy in back to show up in Kirk Olsson's F-16D? Is it a Texture thing, or just the case with the Model?


Alan :adoration:
A happy new year to you too.

Nick Olsson's F-16D contains 3 different models. The one without a name is the long range version which has a guy in the back seat. The other models are called "empty" and "jsow", which don't have a guy in the back seat. The same texture is used for the guy in front seat as for the guy in the back seat. So there is no trick with a texture, but guy is simply not there in the two other models.


The simple test with the same texture set shows it all
Default model (long range)


The empty model (model name "empty" without a pilot in the backseat)


The JSOW version (model name "jsow, without a pilot in the backseat.

Duh whey... :dizzy:

I never even bothered to notice the difference between the different Weapon Loads; I loaded JSOW and just automatically assumed the GIB was missing from ALL of them.

What a stupid I am... :banghead:

Thanks for leading me back into the light, Huub!

Alan :redfire:
Forgotten how good Kirks 16 was, been years since i flew it, think i'll download me a copy this evening :encouragement:
I have the C model interspersed with Aggressor skins and the Vipers from Buckley AFB (local), using both Eric's Panel and the Air Show Tour panel, which lets you refuel in midair with any AI aircraft. They have definitely stood the test of time well.

Alan :adoration:

Forgotten how good Kirks 16 was, been years since i flew it, think i'll download me a copy this evening :encouragement: