Korean Skies F-86A Operation Stovepipe skins


Charter Member
Foo Fighter's F-86 reworks question ?

Foo Fighter, can you please upload your F-86's if you still have them. Most wanted. They look so lovely. Thought i had them somewhere ,but can not find then in my archive . Thanks so much if you can. Regards ,Scott
Still alive and kicking Clive! Unfortunately, life has kept me away from CFS3 for some months:(

@Scott - Will do:encouragement:. I'll try to upload a few at a time over the next week or two.
Been cleaning up the F-86A template a bit. Should have two examples from operation Stovepipe uploaded by the end of the weekend.:mixed-smiley-010:

The F-86E and F templates will take a bit longer:(
I love the Korea expansion too. I have an unexplainable fascination with the F-86 this allows me to act it out a little.
How awesome it would be to live near there Andy ! On my bucket list of places to go. Wonderful displays there at the National Air Force Museum . I envy you Sir ! Regards, Scott
I sincerely apologize for the delay:(. I suddenly got strapped for time this past week and had to pay my attentions elsewhere. Going through some final details now. Stay tuned.
Finally uploaded! I apologize again for the delay.

A taste of what's on deck:

Will eventually upload new skins for drop tanks/pylons, napalm cannisters and a new XDP with effects.

A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 3 American Skins

Description: These two skins/repaints are for the F-86A "Squanee" from DPC's Korean Skies (CFS3). They represent F-86A-5-NA's fom the 336th FS/4th FW participating in Operation Stovepipe during the summer of 1951.

To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit Korean Skies F-86A Operation Stovepipe skins
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
Thank you Clive!:ernaehrung004:

Forgot to mention in the main upload details that they are in 2048 resolution and include a new bump map.:dizzy:
I was looking for information online, but came up empty - what was Operation Stovepipe?
Stovepipe consisted of three Sabres painted with olive drab/green upper surfaces to help hide them from enemy aircraft that may be above them. Single aircraft flew over the Yalu river providing weather recon and acting as radio relays for allied patrol/strike ops during the summer of 1951. I could only locate photos of two examples of the three Sabres which had inconsistent application of the paint.
I searched through my Sabre books and could find only 1 photo of a camouflaged Korean Operations Sabre. Copyright doesn't allow me to post the photo, but it is on the last page of F-86 Sabre in Action by Larry Davis, 1992 Squadron/Signal Publications. Carrollton Texas. There are plenty of post war camouflage schemes though.