Korean War Constraution set not working right

casey jones

Charter Member
I am sure someone can advise me on this I loaded the Korean war set when I selected my fighter
the F-86 I could not fine any North Korean Mig 15s I did DL and loaded a Mig 15 for it but it
does no show up. I just also get WWII planes and a south Korean F-51.

Thank You In advance

Casey Jones 7-11
Hi Casey, it sounds like the countries of some of your aircraft are not found in the list of countries in your default campaign.xml.

I'm not at my gaming rig right now to give details, but under your campaigns folder in your install, are one or more campaign xmls. One of those has a list of countries which will show up for missions. (if it is an NEK version there will be a large description in capital letters saying that the xml is not intended for campaign use, it simply establishes the list of pilot countries for you to select from).

Check the country listed for each of your aircraft xdp files. The ones which don't show up are, I suspect, not listed in that campaign.xml file.

If you can post more details like what xml files show up in your Campaign folder, that will help.
