Korean war era Osan scenery

ian elliot

Osan airbase, Korea
Ive lost my mojo a bit over the last few months, but knocked this up in a few days
I never intended to make this scenery at all, i only wanted to retro the modern afcad as it bugged me while on final's to Suwon.
but things just sort of snowballed. I didnt have a lot to go on, i couldnt find any arial photo's or maps so other than the length and
orientation of the runway, its pretty fictitious, the original airield was constructed in 1952 and was considerably larger,
but hopfully it fits in with the other Korean war airfields ive done.
If you have my Suwon and Kimpo installed, Osan should work no problem, but just to recap

FS2004 Vintage Military Buildings SS scenery objects by Sidney Schwartz, from Flightsim. Look for vintmlss.zip
MAIW Global Scenery Library Objects (FS9) will be needed from the file library at https://militaryaiworks.com/
Wolfi_Obj_lib.zip, JD's conversion of Wolfi's CFS2 objects. Uploaded to the FS9 scenery library ( page 5 ) by Desert Rat

AI aircraft needed---You'll need two packs from John Young available from Flightsim.com, although you may already have
them if you've installed the ACG Duxford scenery. acg_ai_pack3_fs9.zip and acg_ai_pack1_fs9.zip, And dont forget Huub's C47 repaint in
the Suwon zip


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Osan airbase FS9


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category FS 2004 Scenery

Description: Korean war era Osan, to compliment my Suwon and Kimpo scenery's, see read-me for details

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