KSGS to KSYN by Bonanza


Here are a series of screenshots from a short flight this evening, from my local airport of Fleming Field (KSGS) down south to Stanton Airfield (KSYN). Both have histories of pilot training during WWII - Fleming was "B Base" of NAS Minneapolis, where Naval aviators conducted primary flight training in N2S Stearmans (such as George Bush Sr.), while Stanton, which was also known as Carlton Airport (built by Carlton College), trained flight instructors for the USAAF between 1942 and 1944. Both are very active GA airfields today, and Stanton in particular is a hub for pilot training, including LSA, glider and taildragger.


Excellent pics. I just love that paint scheme too. I ALMOST did this exact flight for real today...(we wanted to go to Winstead 10D but the runway was closed so we considered SYN) but we decided to head up to Princeton for a few laps in the pattern (I had 2 go arounds it was really gusty on short final). Then we headed to FCM (near 12R/L threshold at Minnie due to the arrivals) for a quick touch and go on the short RWY 18, then came back to Flemming. I did a wing rock over my house haha (I probably flew over yours too).

Kind of a hazy day and super bumpy until around 3500-4000 ft.

msp by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr
Thank you Ryan and Manfred! You can see in the waves in a couple of my screenshots that it was quite gusty in the sim yesterday afternoon too.