L-4 Grasshopper Floats


Styles Editor/Admin
Staff member

A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category FS 2004 Military - Props

Description: This rebuild of the stock FS2004 J-3 Cub to a military L-4 Grasshopper with "greenhouse" windows. New fuselage and wings UV mapping to fix the lousy texture mapping. Floats yoinked from the FS2004 C208 and reshaped to look like Edo 1320 floats. De-mirror textures (Floats are not de-mirror). Markings are from the KP Models box art for there 1/72 L-4 "Grasshopper" w/floats plastic model kit.

Model was made for CFS2 and CFS2 lacks keyed animations control surfaces so some things that moved with the control surfaces are now fixed in place or deleted. Model is Multi LOD. Also works in my copy of FSX Gold. I'm not a FS04 or FSX person so if change need to be made feel free to do so.

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Thank you for making true FS9 versions of the Grasshoppers!
I look forward to painting some skins for them. I have a couple projects to finish first, but I have some ideas for the 'Hoppers.
Both FS04 L-4 Grasshoppers can use alpha as shine and the included .psd files have the shine layer but it was too shiny IMO so I didn't use it.