Yes, reinstalling it cleared up the issue. It seems like installing the update triggered the problem. But I don't know.
When I reinstalled it, I installed it to a new directory on my drive (not in the WpApps directory). I think this will also help me in the future, because it's not encrypted now, so I think I will have better control of the files. We'll see. Sim is working great now, though, and reinstalling it automatically installed the update, so you don't have to go through that again.
One other issue that seems to keep popping up is that the sim seems to forget my graphics settings, it occasionally, through no action of mine as far as I can tell, when it boots up, it thinks it needs a lower resolution monitor, and it sets all my settings to medium or less. Major pain in the butt. Only settings it resets however are the Graphics settings. The first time it happened is when I lost my trees at L35.