Labels - one more time..



Sorry if this has been asked before (did a search but haven't found this question).

I know Ctrl-Shift-L turns labels on...but is there a way to cycle through and select which object is to be targeted/displayed vs everything? In CFS2 for example you could cycle through ground objects, ships, aircraft, etc. to select which you wanted to target (with label) to attack.
press T when viewing radar, cycles target types.

Labels however are on or off that's it.

(keys are in the online manual, press esc in game to get to the manuals)
press T when viewing radar, cycles target types.

Labels however are on or off that's it.

(keys are in the online manual, press esc in game to get to the manuals)

Thanks. Yes, I was/am aware pressing T will cycle what's targeted on the tactical display. Was hoping I was missing something that would show just the label of what was selected with the T key vs all or nothing. Oh well...
Please to check-out the STICKY OFF Tips & Cheats

Much good info, it was written for Phase 2, however a large percentage still apply's to Phase 3

#1 Discusses the TAC :ernae: