
Hi guys and galls,

I have had the marvellous Me-109E done by the Wings of Power (now A2A) almost since it came out. Not being familiar with a WWII Luftwaffe cockpit content, I just presumed the 'Emils' did not have an instrument to indicate vertical speed. 'Papi' Vader's cockpits for the very early 109s has opened my eyes to the V/S indicator in the WWII German gauge: WP-Minimoa!Laengsneigung.

In the VC of the 'WWII Fighters' Me-109E, there is an empty vertical outline on the right of the instrument panel that would take the above mentioned vertically orientated gauge.

Anyone have the coordinates to place the gauge into this space as I am not OK with putting gauges into a VC?

Hallo Von Ernst,

I must admit that at the B / D 2D panels I cheated a bit.
At the place where I did put the Laengneigungsmesser is in reality a settingssheet.
I did put the Laengsneigungsmesser in to have an indication about the planes attitude.
The early Bf 109' s did not have a vertical speed indicator nore an horizontal attitude indicator,
Only upwards th G series the 109 has been equiped with an artificial horizont, and than on the K
series with the introduction of the Blindflugtafel we find also an variometer..
Please do not forget that the Bf 109 was only designed as an day fighter for "good flying conditions".
In the later days of war the poor bird was pressed in more and more missions she never was originally
designed for.
As soon as I find time I will look if it is possible to implement my "sheat gauge" also into the Vc and than
communicate the position.

Very many thanks for your quick reply. My own research has shown that the space in the cockpit we are discussing was normally for a vertical strip chart with compass variations on it. But it would be an ideal space for the Laengnseigung instrument.

As always many thanks for your work on this aircraft's panels. They impart the feeling of authenticity, which really, is what these aircraft simulations
are all about.

Many apologies for not feeling confident enough to reply in your language, but winter is slowly coming to our valley and I will utilise flying the many superb aircraft in my FS2004 hangar to combat the onset of fruhjahrsmudigkeit.

'vonernsk' (Mal)

Very many thanks for your quick reply. My own research has shown that the space in the cockpit we are discussing was normally for a vertical strip chart with compass variations on it. But it would be an ideal space for the Laengnseigung instrument.

As always many thanks for your work on this aircraft's panels. They impart the feeling of authenticity, which really, is what these aircraft simulations
are all about.

Many apologies for not feeling confident enough to reply in your language, but winter is slowly coming to our valley and I will utilise flying the many superb aircraft in my FS2004 hangar to combat the onset of fruhjahrsmudigkeit.

'vonernsk' (Mal)
Good evening,
I will have up to tomorow three days of spare. I will look to transfer the gauge into the VC.
Just a question; in all panels or just into one specific?

The panel I hope to add the gauge into is not one of your panels. It is the panel for the Me-109E produced by A2A in their 'WWII Fighters' way back in the early days of FS2004. It has a very basic 2D panel with a detailed VC and it is adding the gauge into the VC that I am interested in.

Rgds Mal
AH Bf-109

Good evening,
sadly I do not find anymore my old FS2004 version of the aeroplane heaven Bf 109.
If I can get it it would be possible possible to find a way to implement a variometer or an Laengsneigungsmesser into its panel.
As it had become freeware I thought it would be eas to find on the net, but nada
But I need to find the plane for FS2004 to rework the panel
good evenings friends,
thank you a lot
I will tomorrow see to implement an attitude indicator or an vs into this panel
Good evening again friends,
just had a look at the bird,
Mein Gott ist der arme Vogel versaut !
Now I know why I did no longer find it in my library.
Certainly nice at her publishing time, but - - -
Allright I will just change some details for you at the panel you will get a new panel cfg tomorrow evening at latest.
I must say that for the moment if I want to fly a Bf 109 E I use the WWII FIGHTERS BF 109E - for the moment an quiet good plane. Just a few corrections to make.
For freeware E-series 109 I don't know, perhaps Huub do know some good one.
Hallo friends,

here is the modified panel cfg for the AH Messerschmitt Bf 109 E
put the included gauge into the FS2004/gauges directory
The FS2004 AH Bf109, which went freeware, was originally designed for CS2. It was part of the Battle of Britain set which was the first payware I ever bought. In was great in those days, but it currently shows its age.

As I have owned the Shockwave/A2A WWII-fighters Bf109 E since it was released I didn't fly much freeware Bf109 E models.

I have the fsfrance model by P. Marchandier installed as I used it as AI. The external model is reasonable, but it doesn't have a VC, which make it nice to use as AI. I have done several repaints but the texture lay-out causes many limitations. There is an update by Bob Chicilo which improves the otherwise horrible flight dynamics.


And there is a Messerschmitt Bf109E collection, by A.F. Scrub, which contains 3 different models all based on the Aeroplane Heaven Bf109. And therefore have the same shortcomings.


There is of course the CFS2 model, from Akemi, which will work in FS2004. It has a very nice external model, a reasonably simple VC and an 2D panel.


I'm not aware of other Bf109 E models which will work in FS2004. Perhaps something for Shessi to take into consideration :biggrin-new:

My conclusion is that the only Bf109 E available, which meets the current standards is the WWII-fighters, which is currently available for only $9.99 ( )
The model is already quite old, but still great value for its price. Actually you can get several models as there is a free upgrade which will provide you the E-3, E-4 and tropical versions. ( )

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A2A Shockwave Me 109E

not sure how the AH Bf 109E came up. Sorry for the confusion. I mentioned the A2A Me 109 that was part of their 'World War II Fighters' pack. This has an excellent VC panel with an ideal vertical slot for the your gauge to go into.

Any problems, I can communicate to you directly. Sorry to arouse such a confusion over something that I thought would be straightforward.

Hi Mal,

as I have this nice bird, it might be possible that I could do it.
With a little bit luck you have it this evening
Hallo Mal,

the WWII Fighters Bf 109 E panel causes more problems I thought before.
The gauges on the VC are placed with a logic I do not understand - grrrrr.
Sadly so I was not able to place the gauge at the slot you mentioned and which would be a nice place to put it in.
The first alternative way I found to replace the mechanical gear position indicator by the Laengsneigungsmesser.
I join the panel.cfg.
Also I changed the view point at the aircraft.cfg to this one:
The other solution would be to make you a 2D panel based on a screenshot of the VC.
But this will need a bit more time
You have been so good over this issue. I thank you sincerely and feel bad that I caused so much disruption. Your commitment to help is so commendable. Many thanks for your effort. Your solution to this tricky problem works well for me.
Hallo Mal,

thank you for your words,
I must say that I feel a little deception not to be able to place this gauge where you wanted it to be and where it would be quiet well.
As for the moment I' m blocked on my C-123 Provider projekt due to the missing of documents for this bird - - -
So I will see if I can do the 2D panels for the E-3 and E-4. But this will take some time LOL.
As the A2A WWII FIGHTERS Messerschmitt BF109E is the best I know for FS2004 to make 2D panel would be interesting I believe.

A decent 2D panel for the A2A Bf 109 would be great. Over the years I have swung between favouring VC over 2D. The simplistic 2D for this aircraft done by A2A, while it does provide a decent forward view for landing, has always been a rather make-shift solution to the eternal problem with these warplanes - how to see around the nose.
Thanks again for your time and efforts.

Good evening Mal,
the panel for the E-1, E-3 (not really a great difference between E-1 and E-3) and the E-4
have been done.
Due to the fact that the Bf 109 D from Shessi is very close in the VC to the A2A Bf 109 E it
made things relative easy to do.
They are ready, just some details to work on and some gauges to rework also.
So I hope they would be ready to release next week end as from monday to sunday I' m fully
occuoied by my every day bread earning work.
As you metion the bad forward view on take off and landing, as same as on the B and D panels there
is a switch on the right side to adjust the view. Hm with a lot of practise it is possible to make a quiet steep aproach
and with out changing the view.
As the germans say "to make a master, practise, practise and again practis" LOL
It was pleasant to work on the panels for her. As Huub says, old but still very good plane for FS2004