Lake Renegade 250...2 for 1 special

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Retired SOH Admin
Well, I created my first AI flight plan today. Nothing major, just a 9:00 AM flight of 3 Lake Renegade 250s from Concrete Municipal to KBFI (the Boeing Field in Seattle) as a group flight, then had the three fly off to different airports around Noon, then had the three fly back to Concrete Municipal from their unique second destinations back to Concrete Municipal in the early evening hours.

The flight plan worked...sort of :isadizzy: There is a reason why AI flight plans should avoid mountains. One the flight out of Concrete Municipal, the Renegades don't climb to their assigned altitudes fast enough to avoid the mountains. After flying THROUGH the mountains for a few minutes, the planes simply disappear. They reappear to make their landings at KBFI just fine though.


I am using John Woodward's AI Lake Renegade. It comes with one paint job. So in order to have a variety of paint schemes for my AI Renegades, I have created a paint kit (I thought I had retired from that for a while), have 3 new paints done (though I had retired from that as well), and a fourth started. These four paints use the same basic pattern, just different colors. And I have modified the AI Renegade's MDL file, giving it more realistic glass and a nice specular shine and will give it reflective texturing as well (another thing I had thought I had retired from).

As it turns out, the Lake Renegade is one of my favorite amphibious planes. And John Woodward is the maker of the flyable version I use. And as it turns out, the texture mapping for the user version and the AI version are 100% identical (well, in terms of external stuff). So, the new paints I am doing for AI use can be used on the flyable version too...just need to address the interior bits.

And the flyable Renegade's MDL file will have all of the same tweaks done to it that the AI MDL file will have...more realistic glass, specular shine and reflective texturing (I actually think both MDL files have reflective texturing already, just need to darken the alpha channels to see if the shine is just dulled due to the light colors I have used on the paints thus far). know how the pilot is linked to the lights and when you turn the lights on the pilot shows up and some times you wish you could have the pilot but not the lights? I figured out something on that too. The pilot is linked to the NAV lights. So, what I will do is use the TAXI light setting for the actual NAV lights and that way you can flip the NAV light switch on a pop up window to activate the pilot, but use the "NAV" light switch on the 2D and VC Panels to turn on the Navigation lights. The "Nav" light switch on the panels will actually be a Taxi light switch, but labeled as the Nav switch.

Any how, here are a few screenshots of the flyable Lake Renegade 250 wearing the first of the skins I did for the AI Renegade 250. Still need to toss a reg number on the tail.

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Well, off to enjoy my "retirement" from painting, tweaking, modding and updating.


Nope...not reflectivity. So will add that to both models.
OBIO is delusional..

..."Well, off to enjoy my "retirement" from painting, tweaking, modding and updating."

Everyone here at the Outhouse knows that ain't gonna happen...:icon_lol:


P.S. nice work OBIO

As you've discovered, it helps to have Jack of all Trades skills for AI!
Next is a water AFCAD on your favourite pond, for your Renegades to do some TnG.
Then, a little jetty for them to tie up to.
Then... well, you'll think of something.
As you've discovered, it helps to have Jack of all Trades skills for AI! Next is a water AFCAD on your favourite pond, for your Renegades to do some TnG. Then, a little jetty for them to tie up to. Then... well, you'll think of something.

You're absolutely correct Wing_Z. What good are amphibious airplanes if you don't have some water runways, etc. If I remember correctly, you set the elevation of your runway about a foot below the actual elevation.

4th paint job done. They all use the same basic style....just different colors. Now I will modify the tails a bit by adding reg numbers so the flyable version of the Renegade is properly marked. Then I will develop a second style and do four more paints. Then 4 paints based on real world Renegades...there are plenty of RW schemes that I want to do but can't do due to the mapping on this model.

I really think this Bright Silver with Blue and White stripes scheme really shows off the sleek lines of the Renegade. And no, this is NOT bare metal.....this is a high metallic silver automotive paint with several coats of clear coat...which is how they paint planes now days.


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I'm finding the Renegade to be a breath of fresh air in terms of painting. I actually am enjoying painting this bird. I just finished the 7th paint. Sort of. The first four paints are variations on one theme, next 4 will be based on another stripe layout, then 4 more on a third stripe layout, then maybe 6 individual and unique paints (not real sure on this number yet).

The third stripe scheme was giving me fits, so I subcontracted the fuselage stripe creation to my UK/Greek connection....and Smoothie had the kit back to me in just a handful of minutes. He did in 5 minutes what I failed at doing for 45 minutes.

Here's one of my favorite's so far....this bird just looks like luxury on wings.

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I have the gauges tweaked so that the pilot is activated by its own switch on its own pop up window, the nav lights are now activated by a strobe switch. I have the flight dynamics tweaked to the best of my meager ability...the bird does fly much better now. I still have to go back and add reg numbers to the tails for the flyable Renegade paints. Then I have to address the interior of the bird. And I want to take a crack at recoloring the landing gear legs...just too dark.
