Ok, for those of you with great travels in FS, does anybody know of any lake scenery (default or otherwise) that depicts the proper populization around it. An example would be Lake Travis in Texas. Although the lake appears to be very accurate, there is little to no homes, marinas or otherwise around it. I am looking for a lake scenery, prefferably a large well known lake in the U.S. (not great lake), that the scenery is acurrately depicted around it. Maybe a resort style area? Any ideas? Maybe a vacation area etc.??? Maybe something someone has put together for themselves using EZ scenery or RWY12 that someone would like to share? I'm desperate here!!! Please let me know.
What would be really cool..... Is a program where one could highlight specific areas and populate them with homes, business districts, large buildings, marinas etc. without having to drop every item individually. If I were computer saavy or had the time, I might give it a shot. Alas, work and family gets in the way again!!! Oh well.... Here's to dreaming! :ernae:
What would be really cool..... Is a program where one could highlight specific areas and populate them with homes, business districts, large buildings, marinas etc. without having to drop every item individually. If I were computer saavy or had the time, I might give it a shot. Alas, work and family gets in the way again!!! Oh well.... Here's to dreaming! :ernae: