Lake Skipper (freeware from Got Friends) released


Just a heads up that there's a super-fun little seaplane available from Got Friends for free. Based on the real-life Flynano design. Includes wake/spray effects in multiplayer -- I was online with JonX, GotGravel, and some others last night flying around Victoria Falls and it was a blast.


Free download here

(Editorial note: Man, I wish we could move Sim-Outhouse off of vBulletin and onto something modern like Discourse forum software... (Discourse, like the official MSFS forums and Quarter to Three use, not Discord :)) So much easier to post decent images on, er, every other forum I use!)
As a ground effect vehicle, it seems to fly too high with very little perceived ground effect. But the prop disk is quite nice. Maybe the best I have seen in MSFS. ;-)
Sporty likes it!
Yeah, it's billed as a ground-effect vehicle on the Got Friends site, but reading about the real plane, it was billed at having a service ceiling of 3KM (9800 feet, don't think I'd want to go that high in that thing!). The one in the sim isn't replicating that (design is just based on that plane, it's not really simulating it), but it means the performance of the Lake Skipper isn't unreasonable compared to the real thing. I had thought it was an ekranoplan, but it's not.
As it stands, I need to find some places outside Alaska that have water parking so I don't have to start on a water runway ready to fly - I enjoy the startup process.

As for WIG/Ekranoplans, I'd give my left pinkie (it's useless anyway) to see an Airfish 8 in in the sim!
Yeah, it's billed as a ground-effect vehicle on the Got Friends site, but reading about the real plane, it was billed at having a service ceiling of 3KM (9800 feet, don't think I'd want to go that high in that thing!). The one in the sim isn't replicating that (design is just based on that plane, it's not really simulating it), but it means the performance of the Lake Skipper isn't unreasonable compared to the real thing. I had thought it was an ekranoplan, but it's not.
After reading that, deleted it from my community folder.
After reading that, deleted it from my community folder.

Well, THAT wasn’t my intent. :) The visual design is based on the Flynano, but the Lake Skipper is its own thing and performs exactly as a Got Friends Lake Skipper should!

Also, the Flynano was a failure, so who knows how it actually performed.

Anyway, the Lake Skipper is fun for what it is, but fun is very subjective, and if it’s not fun for you, by all means, delete away!