

Kurier auf Stube...pauke!
Staff member
How many do we have for ETO and which ones.... If someone could give me a list I'll cross reference with what I have a release the ones that are not public.
I've been working on some for the past several months to fit the Firepower Lancasters using Bravo4's skins as a base template (with his ok)...not shown are:

N0578, KM-Y
R5868, OL-Q
R5868, PO-S
EE136, CA-R
ED989, DX-F
PB979, F2-F
KB864, NA-S
KB726, VR-A

I'm pretty involved with real life stuff right now, but wanted to let you know these are in work...
Lancasters 2


Looked at my files and others have done the same and seems that DXA, G4G, KMC, LEC, NAS, QRM and my favorite VRR have not been released. Please check to see it that is so before I make them ETO ready.
Hi Ted,

In ETO we have. (variety of MkI and MkIII's)

WS-Y (9 Sqn special)
SR-W (101 Sqn spec ops with radar antenna)
KO-J (MkII radial engines)
AJ-M (Dams special)

In the works ready to go for TOW/ETO new weapons, descriptions, pilot views, gunner setups etc.

regards Rob.
Hi Ted,

In ETO we have. (variety of MkI and MkIII's)

WS-Y (9 Sqn special)
SR-W (101 Sqn spec ops with radar antenna)
KO-J (MkII radial engines)
AJ-M (Dams special)

In the works ready to go for TOW/ETO new weapons, descriptions, pilot views, gunner setups etc.

regards Rob.

Hi Rob,

As a completely new player to CFS3 getting ready to start modding it up, when I add ETO does that mean I will have the Lanc's in your first list above, or do I need to download them. If so, where?

And from what I'm reading do planes have to be configured/modified/created for each add-on separately (ie: if I have a B-24 for MAW it may not work in PTO?). Or is this about getting the correct skins (which I will want to do also)?

Hi Kodiak,

welocme to the CFS3 world. when you install ETO you will get the first list of Lancasters. and once th eupdate comes out you'll get the second list and the first group of planes will also be updated.

you can take any aircraft from any install and swap it over to another. but you have to check a few things while doing it. in addition to the actual aircraft folders you will need the following files as well.

engine sounds or alise the aircraft sounds to a plane in the addon your adding it to.

If you look inside a aircraft folder you'll see a file with the extension .xdp if you open that with note pad and read through it you'll see at the top of the file the gun files being called for, go to the gun folder and look up the file being called for. open that file with note pad and it will list the weapon files required for the gun.

Then if you read down further in the aircraft xdp file you'll come to a section called loadout's. this section lists the pylons and weapons required for the plane.

Most addon aircraft use weapons made by AvHistory, if you have ETO it contains the complete set of AvHistory weapons which have been updated with new textures and additional model files. I would suggest you copy the following folders from your ETO install into your other installs.


Allow them to overwrite when asked. this will save you a heap of searching for idividual files.

hope this helps, if your stuck or cant figure something out, drop a post here on the Outhouse and a whole heap of really good blokes will come to your aid.

regards Rob.
Thanks for taking the time for this explanation, Rob :encouragement:

Based on your note I started with ETO as my first add-on. I really enjoy the multi-engine planes as much as the fighters so this info will be very helpful in getting things up and running as I go forward!

I'm amazed at the content in ETO and it looks like most if not all of the work has already been done, but now I'll be able to move planes around if I see something I want to add.
I give up!!
I can't land these Bloody things!!
Always end up with burnt hobbit bits everywhere!! :banghead:


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