Its Mr Inexpert here neeedin tips on landing one of these 109s. Why do I seem to be heading straight down the runway and then at a certain point when the speed drops I spin and crash? Do I need to retract the flaps, or make a careful use of right rudder, is there a trick in the braking, is it the snowy weather that's a problem? What am I doing wrong?
I'm new to CFS3, trying an 'escort' mission, seem to be required to land all the way to the full stop and just keep crashing - to a mixture of amusement and annoyance. Anyone else found this, and solved it?
Its Mr Inexpert here neeedin tips on landing one of these 109s. Why do I seem to be heading straight down the runway and then at a certain point when the speed drops I spin and crash? Do I need to retract the flaps, or make a careful use of right rudder, is there a trick in the braking, is it the snowy weather that's a problem? What am I doing wrong?
I'm new to CFS3, trying an 'escort' mission, seem to be required to land all the way to the full stop and just keep crashing - to a mixture of amusement and annoyance. Anyone else found this, and solved it?