Lands End Airport (St Just) uploaded

Pat Pattle

Have had this on my HD for a while, Lands End Airport (St Just) and have now uploaded it for anyone like me that enjoys civvie flying from time to time.

This exists as a sort of generic airfield in the ETO and BoB installs and this upload makes it a specific one.

This pics fairly modern, I've tried to make it look more like it would have done in the 30's to '70's

In the interest of fps there's not much detail other than the buildings. If anyone would like the source files drop me a pm.


Hello Clive, nice work as usual.
Like you civil flying from time to time (Golden Wings).
But often airfields are similar and "Lands End" can look like an French airfield.
As for ground of Xaffevillers, I think of redoing the ground with OFF's airfields.
It's more realistic.
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