I had problems like that with this update as well. Aside from the confusingly unchanged version number, and the unsettlingly slow download and hanging installation bar.
As soon as it WAS loaded and proceeded to open MSFS for use, there was a much longer loading time with music pausing frequently and a black screen throughout. Then once a flight was selected it seemed to take
too long to load and then just sat there, at what should have been the transition to the 'ready to fly' cinematic scene, with the loading bar filled but never transitioning. I finally closed the app with task mgr, restarted my PC and restarted MSFS.
Trying to get this sim to function with any kind of consistency (let alone good performance) is a frustrating exercise. These mystery patches - a literal roll of the dice as to what may happen afterward - only add to that pain.
Sure enough the first flight I loaded was with the L-19 Tundra (also just updated) and it proceeded to face plant on the first takeoff. The elevator did nothing. So I reloaded it and checked to make sure all the control surfaces were working. They were. Second take-off roll and the same result. The tail came up
at around 35kts and just kept going up until the airplane was perched in the wrong 3 point stance. Tried a few different airplanes and had similar results. So I dialed in full nose up trim. This would let me takeoff but there was nothing left in the trim wheel.
Not knowing what to make of it and it now being after 10PM local time - I went to bed.
Next morning I opened MSFS and was directed again to download the update. Nothing you can do but press 'ok' and the screen just flashed or blinked and then the sim continued to open as if nothing had happened. Nothing downloaded or installed. It now seems to be working as before.
I never would have known why I needed AIRAC or a water mask on a lake I never fly near so I can see why people question these kinds of mandatory updates. And I also think that more is going into some of these than is disclosed - whether intentionally or accidentally. That 'flaps' debacle from WU3 is a prime example.