Latest Lorient Airbase screenies...nearly there


Home for tea and tiffin!
Hello Jeff

Great work You are doing on that base but let me say that I think that (in picture #8) there would not be standing trees around those big bomb's craters.
Please don't be offended, take this as constructive criticism LOL.
Anyway, I repeat, very nice work I appreciate your efforts very much, as for all others like You that are making this sim always better day by day.
Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying.
Cristiano "Astore"
No offence taken Christiano. I was going to look at that sort of thing during the tidying up stage. Though I don't relish trying to identify which trees need to be taken out.

Yes I've seen those too. It must be something to do with the modelling of the trees, or perhaps how they're placed together to form the wood. I'll talk with Pat.

Or they're anti glider defences:applause:
Trees are natural anti-glider defenses. If these are replications of actual defenses, it seems these would be placed in wide open spaces where gliders would attempt to land.
I have them now Clive. Sorry Lewis the anti glider crack was my attempt at humour, now you know why I don't do stand up comedy.
In retrospect it is quite funny! I actually thought those things were intentional, I just wasn't sure what they were.