Latest Nvidia driver 382.53 -Any Issues with P3DV3.4.2


Charter Member
Has anyone tried the new driver and are there any issues?
Memory leaks, etc.

I installed it this AM, did about 45 minute flight. I didn't see any indications of issues or problems.
Any indication that it was any better than the previous drivers?

I didn't notice anything earth shaking Ed. It had been about six months for me, so I went ahead and did the update to see how it would behave with V4.
Seems OK, but if anything crops up I'll post it up here.
Any indication that it was any better than the previous drivers?

I download the lastest driver into P3Dv3.4.22 and had a one hour flight with the TFDI 717..
Monitored the VAS on the whole flight and it seems very stable, does not appear to have any leaks, I have my FPS set to 60 and it stayed at 59 the whole flight in SPOT view and VC view around 35 FPS
Using ORBX FTX Global base,openLC Europe, Vector and Pilots FS Global 2010 ,Aerosoft ROME (LIRF) and RFScenerybuilding Florence (LIRQ)

WIN 7 64 Professional
See systems spec in my signature
