Nary a problem here Tom, plan on something to do, long update, you'll also have subsequent Cumulative and NET Framework downloads of 20H2. Expect a day of computer "wait" Hell.
Long update ? Is it the download that is long, or the real update phase after the download ?
On my computer, it went really quick, like three minutes or so :/
A few people have commented that the new windows update has affected some 3rd party aircraft but no scenery add-ons, I only have the rutan so I cant comment on other payware as I wasnt tracking the thread, a few sims and games have had the same problem.
I also noticed that the Zendesk categorizes the 20h2 version as being an "Insider's Preview" or something similar.
I am not in the "Insider's" program, either, and I was still able to download and install this version.
It runs great, BTW. I'm not having issues with any of my Win 10 programs or MSFS.
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