Latest work in progress C-1A Trader


Staff member
Working on a civil C-1A now. Unless something comes along and changes my mind again (this is the 3rd version so far), I think I've got the basic paint job down, just need to start in on the details.

The cowlings and nacelles were just seeing how shiny I could get it. It won't be near that shiny when done. Still have to decide how I want to paint those.


  • Flt 19-2016-mar-5-001.jpg
    Flt 19-2016-mar-5-001.jpg
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Working on a civil C-1A now. Unless something comes along and changes my mind again (this is the 3rd version so far), I think I've got the basic paint job down, just need to start in on the details.

The cowlings and nacelles were just seeing how shiny I could get it. It won't be near that shiny when done. Still have to decide how I want to paint those.

That looks pretty sweet!
