

Charter Member 2012
Whilst watching (possibly rewatching for the 7th time! :mixedsmi:) the Piece of Cake series tonight it got me thinking... Has there ever been a load out for a bomber that created the effect of leaflets being dropped? Obviously not the most destructive weapon in the physical sense but moral bashing none the less. An idea maybe for a propaganda mission... Im afraid all I can suggest is the idea, I lack the skill to create such an effect :isadizzy:.
Would be an interesting addition, I think 'window' was talked about once here.

Oh and don't forget all the spanners, saucepans and loo seats etc. that also got chucked onto the Reich!
Boy this game is really getting more interesting everytime I visit the forums! If leaflets could be dropped in the sim, to me at least , seems like a whole new breath of life as you fly along. Boy if Pixels could read, I wonder if the campaigns would be affected by this?

Maybe after a flight over Germany in a Lanc dropping leaflets those tiger tank crews might relocate elsewhere!

I'am not a technician myself. But after all these years of following this forum I would say:

A lot of very small bombs in the form of paper or windowstrips. Then there are 2 questions:
1. how to adjust so many bombs ot the plane (very many pylons) and does this affect framerates etc
2. can you actually see them in the game because they are small (if not: why invest all the effort?)

Another way could be a sort of effect, realised very near to the aircraft?


This exists already. About 3-4 years ago Mathias made the file. It is a weapon that falls slowly to the ground and is usually spawned. I can't find the file now but I know someone has it.