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Charter Member
For anyone using the Saitek X-52 HOTAS.. In the joystick settings page, the numbers on most of the buttons illustrated are WRONG.. You'll need to press your button, and scroll through the button list till you find the one that lights up.. For the dials on the throttle, the large dial should be numbered 2 and not 3, and likewise the small dial is mis-numbered as well..
Pam I had to do the same thing on my old but reliable Saitek Cyborg EVO Force...but it has been worth the effort.:applause:
Indeed! They need to add the advanced options back in, but otherwise theyve done an incredible job..
Man I hate that stall horn...and the C-172 does not stall correctly at all...the clouds are YUCK! However, it's a beta I will just keep telling myself. I tried to put the REX clouds for X-Plane in but no luck. I don't know if it's my old system or the beta just won't accept them yet. Anyway everything is pretty nice. I am going to have to find a way to upgrade financially whether I like or not if I wanna see everything this flightsim will do...
Havent tried the 172 yet.. I've been looking into my XP10 planes and which ones there work in XP11, and have also been messing around with the little Cirrus jet.. Damned thin's a hoot to fly.. my biggest issues with it have been th haze and the lack of granularity in the settings.. I admit, those things made me angry.. I'm glad they are moving towards making the sim more palatable for FSX/ESP/P3D users, but theyre doing so at the expense of the very things that have made X-Plane unique in a world of cookie cutter sims designed for the two digit IQ crowd.. ( goat simulator anyone?? ).