I still use it a lot. What kind of help do you need? I only convert my ports to legacy format, not the native format with the broken-up cfg files. My process is:
- Select source and target folders, do initial import
- in aircraft tab, select only red items, click "Try to add missing aircraft parameters"
- in engines tab, select red items, click "try to fix engine issues"
- in flight model tab, usually nothing to do
- in systems tab, maybe try checking red items and pressing the bar to convert the lights, but usually it doesn't work anyway, so maybe not bother
- skip runway tab, later copy runway.flt and apron.flt files from some other plane with same number and type of engines
- in textures tab, convert bmp to dds with ImageTool if there are any
- skip models tab
- skip sounds tab
- in panels tab, unpack CAB files if any. I generally do not try to do the XML-to-HTML "import panel gauges" thing
That's it for Legacy Importer. But, updates SU4 and SU5 seem to be part of an effort by MS/Asobo to kill legacy planes, and LI has not been updated since March, so it will no longer produce a workable plane without some extra work.
First, SU4 broke the .air files if they have any obsolete values, making engines and other things behave crazy. Download AIRED, edit the .air file and remove any OBSOLETE and UNUSED entries.
Second, since SU5, you have to use Model Converter X to remove the mouse click rectangles in the interior MDL. There are instructions in the Legacy Planes thread here for doing this. If you don't do this, most legacy planes will now CTD a few seconds after you spawn in the cockpit.
If you want all the sounds, you should look into the sound.cfg file for the names of any .wav files that are not in the Sound folder with it, and go copy those from your FSX Sound folder. Be sure to update layout.json after doing this.
I generally delete any SPEC files in the various texture folders because they don't work the same way in MSFS as in any prior sim, and usually just look bad. Although, since SU5, it looks like MS/Asobo has changed it so that we can't have any specularity in legacy planes at all, they are always just matte.
Then you are ready to try it out, see what's broken, and try to fix using whatever tools.
When you go to fly, don't bother with Legacy flight model any more. SU5 changed that so it is now just the same as Modern. That can mean more tweaks to the aircraft.cfg to make the plane fly something like it should.
Good luck!