Leon Louis...Scenery Master!


Retired SOH Admin
I really haven't used much of Leon's scenery...but then again I only recently really began setting my sim up for ultimate flying pleasure (GW3 was when my flying time took on a whole new level of enjoyment). I was on Flightsim.com looking for something (can't recall what I actually went there to find) and stumbled across one of Leon's scenery packages. Took a look at the enclose screenshots and really liked what I saw. I did a new search just for Leon Louis...and got timed out (reached my 2 hour limit) going through his scenery. And I didn't get it all....will have to wait until tomorrow to go back for more.

If any of you have not checked out Leon's scenery....spend some time on FLightsim downloading his work...it is way cool! Vintage planes and scantily clad ladies sure do make flying into and out of his scenery that much more satisfying...and the area around his airports is the real wonder of his scenery.....he created his fictional airports and plunked them down in places that were surrounded with great terrain to look at as you fly from one of his fields to another. And he tossed in a lot of VFR/Eye Candy as well...I was flying out of CTA3 (can't remember the actual name of the airport...it's in French, part of the Quebec Quick Hop series...which is like 50 scenery packages strong)...and about 5 minutes out from the air strip...there was a light house, with a nice vintage float plane in the shallows, a few people swimming, a nice cozy fire going in the lighthouse's fire place (smoke coming up from the chimney). I only have this one scenery package installed....can't wait to have them all installed and see just how much I can find as I fly through GW3.

Nothing to add, really. You're right - his stuff really is "must have". He did some very nice repaints for the Golden Eagles/Bill Lyons Cub and Tiger Moth too.
He sure was a master scenerybuilder and repainter. He's much missed, but he has given us a lot!

His short hops are great. The Quebec series is about 100 or so iirc. Plus Maine, Washington, British Columbia and Alaska (for HS Misty Fjords). And he recommended them for GW3.
Leon was a very talented guy .... his legacy lives on in the scenery and repaints he did. :engel016:

Here's a tip that some may not know ( can't remember who said it ) .....

If you're installing a lot of sceneries by one designer ( Leon , for example ) , rather than have a whole heap of individual scenery entries in the FS Scenery Library ...... Make one folder , name it 'Leon's Sceneries' ( have the scenery & texture folders inside ) and add all his different scenery & textures in these folders.

It's amazing how much can be saved in the size of the texture folder.

Guys, this is a nice thread. I've been scarce on the forum. Work has me going in every direction recently. I came home one night last week and said to heck with it all. I was in just the right (wrong) mood to delete it all and start over. I did just that and formatted my sim drive after getting discouraged from too many troubles.

I don't want to install the standard FS2004 this time. I want to step back in time.....GW3 sounds very pleasing for my style. Maybe this weekend I can get things sorted so I can enjoy the simpler times. I hope so.

I have been flying nothing but GW since I got it installed. And flying nothing but GA aircraft in GW at that. Definitely found my flight sim niche. Been doing a lot of bush flying....and Leon's scenery adds a bazillion places to crash you plane into trees and rocks. If you don't have an aftermarket mesh and looking for a free one to use....grab Rhumbaflappy's and fly out of CFFF (can't remember what the airstrip name is...part of Leon's Quebec Short Hops packages. You take off from a nice little strip and find yourself flying along the St Lawrence River with HUGE mountains on either side of you.

If you like the Hawaii area, then GW3 is even better with Golden Hawaii added. There's a flyable Sikorski S-43, more ai traffic, and the Arizona memorial goes while (I think) more complete airfields are added, making it the perfect area for pottering round in Bill Lyons' aircraft.
I miss Leon. He was truly a great guy. It really hit me hard when I heard he had passed on. I used to get several emails from him a week. He did some really cool scenery. I was trying to show him how to install Gmax models in FS scenery and we couldnt get the XML to work right. I found out why right after he passed on. It was that close.. Just two missing files for the dang BGL compiler to work.

He was always really positive and always filled with tons of ideas for scenery as well as paint schemes. He could do some great cream and black paint packages.

Did you know he was color blind? Yep... Did well without seeing color, eh?

Rest in peace Leon. Be well and fly high.

I never would have guessed that Leon was color blind. His skins are some of the most vibrant going.
