I have said this time and time again on this forum - Its a source of irriitation to the admin staff at Britsim as to why some people have this error and others do not. The "corrupt" file is due to an incomplete download - by your server cutting off BEFORE the download is complete. This can be caused by many reasons and I am well aware that it is a source of irritation to you folks as well as a burr under my saddle personally , because although I am an admin at "The Pond" I possess a non administrative log in so I can check these kind of problems. I have used it in several different places in the US and never experienced this problem. I do know that through research it seems to be most prevalent among larger files. It is a constant source of irritation to myself and other admin staff at Britsim that people seem to ignore the forum we have there specifically for addressing these kinds of problems and run to other sites and complain that we have corrupt files....time and again when people do have problems downloading from Britsim IF they address it in our forum we will put a temporary link up in the forum so the person(s) having difficulties may download the files they want. It cost them nothing and is as quick as any other method. However it takes a couple of things to make it happen, Firstly we (the Admin staff at Britsim) Need to know that someone is having difficulties , NOT by accidentally coming across threads like this one. Secondly when you tell us of problems AT Britsim we can deal with them faster and with a lot less fuss. Finally as a certain Admin is wont to tell me, its FREEWARE - we run the website with our own passion of British Aviation for our enjoyment and the enjoyment of others in the hobby. We don't charge any one a penny for registering at The Pond and the library will always contain ONLY freeware, so rather than go elsewhere and say "This is a corrupt file" why not just drop us a line at the Pond and we will do our best to satisfy your needs.
Sorry it was long but its a real source of irritation to me, I'll have a link to a download of the Leonides sound file in about ten minutes.
Adminstrative Staff