So, yesterday afternoon, I go to test my new plane in P3, and it says in red letters LICENSE REVOKED! It was another straw of hay for my back to bare, (a bad day yesterday).
I then realised, it was my old credit card, which expired. Reading through the FAQ section at P3, I found that if your card expires, the easiest way to handle this is to purchase a new license. No way to fill out a new card for existing Developer licenses. :S Embarrassing.
All fixed. Flew around in the jitter-free, non-hopping, smoooooth virtual world of Lockheed Martins awesome P3 flight training simulator.
I still get goosebumps seeing 'Lockheed' on the bootup window. 'From the people that brought you the secret SR-70, comes the newest in flight training software.... '
I then realised, it was my old credit card, which expired. Reading through the FAQ section at P3, I found that if your card expires, the easiest way to handle this is to purchase a new license. No way to fill out a new card for existing Developer licenses. :S Embarrassing.
All fixed. Flew around in the jitter-free, non-hopping, smoooooth virtual world of Lockheed Martins awesome P3 flight training simulator.
I still get goosebumps seeing 'Lockheed' on the bootup window. 'From the people that brought you the secret SR-70, comes the newest in flight training software.... '